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[Enraged Entertainment] RECRUITING [DEDICATED TEAM]


Hello, and welcome to the Enraged Entertainment recruitment page! My name is David Jaber, and I am the Co-Leader, Project Manager, and Level Designer of Enraged Entertainment. We're looking for skilled people to join the team.

About Us:


Enraged Entertainment was founded when Dual Labs, Shadow Tech Studios, and the RavenTale team decided to merge into 1 whole team. Our team is currently working on 2 projects (But is focusing our main attention on Liberico), and consists of 20 - 30 members! We're a team that wants to create the greatest games of all time, and to do this, we need as many skilled members that we can get. Sadly, we won't be able to pay you yet. But, we're a dedicated team and our current work proves it. We do not have time for people who want to learn, we need people who can make us what we need so we can create a solid game that can one day be known as one of the greatest games of all time.

Positions We Need:

Texture Artists
Programmers (C++, LUA Scripting, HUD Scripting)
Character Modellers
Architectural Modellers
Animators (Characters, weapons)
Skilled Level Designers



About RavenTale:

RavenTale is a Fantasy Themed MMORPG that aims to be unique and new in it's own fashion. Rather than using races and classes that are almost used in every single MMORPG, RavenTale provides new custom classes and races for the players to choose from. Players in RavenTale will go on various adventures, fighting bosses, participating in raids, fighting in PvP, or killing mobs with your friends. We're developing this game using the Barok Engine.

RavenTale Story:]
A long, long time ago, when harmony surrounded the world, and peace and serenity ruled the lands, a child was born under secrecy. This child was raised by Lycraios, the Evil Baron, but only his spirit remained.
As the years passed by, the evil within the child began to grow.
The land was then cursed with a plague that took the life of many, and shattered many fragile alliances.
But the worst years of this war was the beginning with the loss of thousands on top of thousands of people.
Homes were destroyed and the land was soaked with blood. The plague was called the plague of the Forsaken Ones.
The angels from Heavens Bridge fought valiantly but were cut down. The rest began to flee, and so Heavens Bridge began to fade away.
And still, the child grew watching the carnage he would inherit which would make him even more evil. Darkness began to flow throughout his bloodstream and all that he touched became a slave of evil. Some day, Lycraios will stand and then all will be lost. To add to this trouble, the old elemental gods were summoned by an old clan of mages, called the Blood Roses.
In their rage, they destroyed almost everything in their path. Only a few people survived.
Magmaros, Father of Fire,
Stormyh, Sister of Storm,
Earthis, Son of Earth,
Erebea, Mother of Water,
Ice Dragon Drathon, the Icemelder.
The heroes of the land must band together to awake the Order of the Ravens Tale

RavenTale Showcase:







About Liberico:

Liberico will be an MMOFPS set between the futuristic time periods of 2110 - 2141. We're currently working on a tech-demo of Liberico. The tech-demo will introduce custom weapons, unique game modes, classes to choose from, nice level designs, and possibly character customization (Male, Female)! We're developing this game using CryEngine 3.

Liberico Story:

Seth Bane, born in the year of 2081. Jack Bane, born in the year of 2091, being the younger brother of Seth. The day Jack Bane was born, jealousy and hatred began to seep into the mind of Seth Bane, who later disowns his self, and names his self, Kane Reaver.

Ever since Jack was born, the two brothers were never treated fairly. There was never any equality in their household. Then one day, Seth had enough of it, and decided to run off into the world, and changed his name into Kane Reaver, and began to study and learn about micro-mechanics.Then, in the year of 2110, he had a plan to spread a sense of balance and equality, not only through-out the US, but through-out the world. His plan, is to create micro-mechanisms, that when inhaled, eaten, drunk, or injected through shots, the micro-mechanisms would travel through-out the body, until attaching itself to the central nervous system. Once the micro-machines would attach themselves to the central nervous system, they would begin to extract "information", causing the person infected to become into a brainwashed lackee that follows the command of the creator of these micro-machines, in this case, Seth Bane (AKA, Kane Reaver). Sadly, only people who are fully developed are able to be infected with these micro-machines. Therefore, children are immune.

Now, seeing as how Kane's resources are limited, he can only create a few doses of these micro-machines, but it is definitely enough to over-run those of high power in the US. His plan, is to infect the people by infecting their water and food supply. And over-time, it actually worked. Sadly, there wasn't enough micro-machines, for it to have spread through-out the US, but it was enough to spread through-out D.C. Now, with the whole white house under his command, he orders a mass production of these micro-machines.

By the year of 2115, Kane Reaver had 2/3rd's of the US military under his command. News of Kane Reaver began to spread through-out the world, with other countries thinking it as a hoax. People in the US began to try to flee, and escape, many managed to escape, until Kane Reaver cut-off every sense of transportation, and literally held the people of the United States "Captive". As a result, a mass amount of people began to flee and move south, into Texas and states around Texas. In the year of 2116, Kane Reaver sent many forces to Russia, carrying guns with these micro-mechanics being used as ammunition, and waged war against the Russian Military. He also sent workers through-out the US to build HQ's and camps in many states, with his plan, to have HQ's built in every state. Although Kane lost many soldiers during the battle, he managed to gain many new ones as well. Many countries through-out the world began to notice that the stories of Kane Reavers were in fact true, and decided to help Russia in this war. But by the year of 2118, he had the Russian Military under his command, and the Russian Federation completely destroyed. Any country that sent soldiers and tried to fight were infected and now under the command of Kane Reaver He then had himself moved to the northern part of Russia, and had many things built, including his very own fortress. In the beginning of the year of 2121, many HQ's have been infiltrated and completely captured in the US by an unknown source. By the end of 2121, a rebellion named "Liberico" was formed, and the war between Kane Reavers military, and Liberico began.

Liberico Showcase:










What you need in-order to be part of the team:

-Showcase (Pictures, just to prove that you are good at what you do.)

Contact Us:

-Skype - lab3dm, currezjeh, altairzshadow51
-E-Mail - curenor@gmail.com / dual_labs@hotmail.com / shadow_tech_studios@hotmail.co.uk

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