Hey Guys, before going in to deep on what this thread is about let me just brief you about who i am.
I'm a 25 year old guy with a great passion for games.
Since the first time i laid my hands on a nes i've been totally inlove with gaming and i've always wanted to be a environment artist.
Being borned into a family with fine Students (Dr. Engineers etc etc). I had a father who forced me to do programming, which i didnt like.
So a couple of years ago (was 22) i decided to work my ass off to take a course in Game Art Design. And i ended up in Escape Studios, which i found awsome. However due to Personal problems i never had the time to finish the course and left without finishing.
So thats the story. NOOOW TO MY MAIN PROBLEM.
I cant seem to finish stuff off when i begin. As soon as i hit a Problem, i try and try..and try.. AND try.. But after a while i just give up and start a new project.
How do you guys get around to finishing stuff off? What is your motivation for working with doing stuff untill the end? What happens when you hit a bump?
Many will probebly diss this thread. But i need motivations, More then ever. Cause i want to finish off my stuff. I want to build a Portfolio!!

Motivation sometimes fizzles out after a while, but that doesn't really matter anymore. If you want to finish things, sometimes you have to just sit down and force yourself to do it. There's no magical answer or shortcut. Just have to do it.
This thread might be of help: http://www.polycount.com/forum/showthread.php?t=88366&highlight=motivation+graph
(graph by del)
keep on working.:)