Hi, first time posting and also my first attempted high res. I'm at the stage where I'm satisfied with how it looks (It's a Red Alert 2 Prism Tank) and was just curious if anyone had some tips/links/tuts for getting a good render for portfolio use. (specifically with mental ray since UDK can't handle the high poly.
I just made a simple AO mat and slapped it on in Maya but...I feel like there are more steps to it.
Also, I'm open to any crits.

oh yeah, I did do a search in forums but whenever I found a link it was either dead or some random render tutorial for animators.
The only thing I would recommend doing is softening the light by adjusting the light angle to 5-15. This will make the shadows nice and soft and a more natural look.
Yeah every time I try to open the render tutorial it gives me a 403 forbidden error.
Edit: Thanks BARDLER I'll check it out.
Use a 3rd party hosting site like Imgur, imageshack, photobucket, ect. Then just post the direct image url with the .jpg link in these tags [*img] [*/img] with out the *.
Pretty decent and free tutorial for rendering high poly stuff.