In the Philippines, Datu is the title for chiefs, sovereign princes, and monarchs in the Visayas and Mindanao Regions. Together with Lakan (Luzon), Apo in Central and Northern Luzon, Sultan and Rajah, they are titles used for native royalty, and are still currently used in the Philippines. Depending upon the prestige of the sovereign prince, this title of Datu could be roughly equated to the European dukes, marquesses, counts, or barons. Datu rule a kingdom as small as barangay (village) but it can extend further depends on the Datu's power.
Somewhere in Luzon, there was a small village that was ruled by a kind-hearted Datu, his name is Datu Luntian. Datu Luntian has a son, his name is Habolo. Habolo is considered a child prodigy. He excels at almost anything that is related to being a warrior. Since the day he was born, he was raised and shaped by his father to be a good warrior. He can hunt a warthog at the age of 9. He beats his father's best warrior Humakbi at the age of 13. At the age of 17, he was known throughout the land as one of the best warrior and he leads his father's army. At the age of 21 when the Spaniards came to invade their village he and his army successfully defended their village and he was appointed by his father as the new Datu since his father was too old to lead the village.
During his reign, their village prosper and get larger. He fought many battles, he defend his village against other Datus, Lakans, Apos, Sultans and Rajahs from different regions. After a bloody battle from one of his rival, an old woman appeared and told him "young man, soon you will face a dark days that none of your ancestors had encountered before. It will begin in the night of full moon, when an enchanted being appear and they will bring bloody and grimmy days throughout the land. Be brave young man as no one can defend this land other than you."
Many full moon had pass but nothing happened. Datu Habolo began to doubt the prophecy. Another full moon had come, a very peaceful night, everyone is on their bed when a scream echoed the whole village, everyone had woke up and go outside to take a look who screamed in the middle of the night. Datu Habolo get out of his bed and go outside, another scream echoed, Datu Habolo rushed over to where the scream came from and he suddenly stopped. He saw a figure of a tall being, he was carrying one of their villager, unconcious and full of blood stain all over his body. The man is feasting on the villager's gut. The man stopped and look to where Datu Habolo is and scream in a grimmy and frightening voice. Everyone run in fear and Datu Habolo is shock for a while, but he said to his himself that he must do something. He run to his house to get his Bolo and Shield and organize his army. Then they rush over to where the tall being stood but they can't find him. Another scream echoed and they follow where the scream came from and they saw not just one but three(3) tall being feasting on one of their villagers, Datu Habolo attacked first and his army to follow, each of these being has strength equivalent to those 10 of his men. After a few minutes of fight, they slay two of the "tall being" but the other one fled. But this can't be consider a victory, almost half of his army has been killed, many has been wounded, and Datu Habolo realize that the prophecy has started.
These enchanted beings not only terrorize their village, but the whole land, feasting on humans. Many village and kingdom fell from these being including Tarlak on where Datu Habolo rules. The remaining people of Tarlak fled with Datu Habolo and entered the Forest of the Mayna, this forest is considered to be sacred and enchanted, it was believed to be the home of the Mayna's an enchanted beings. But they have no choice and entered the forest. After a few minutes of walk, they were surrounded by an army of archer, they were the Mayna's army. The leader of the archer shouted "Halt Human! What brings you here in our land?", Datu Habolo walk a little and said "Sir, I am Datu Habolo, we need shelter as some being has terrorize not only our village but the whole land." The leader pause and think a little and he said "Datu Habolo, come with me!", Datu Habolo follow the enchanted being. After a few minutes of walking, they entered a big enchanted tree, it was the house of their Queen, Queen Maya. Queen Maya was standing there in the middle of the house and with her soft voice she speak "Ah! Habolo" and she smiles. Datu Habolo said "How come you knew my name ma'am?". The queen smile and speak again "Ofcourse I knew, since you are my grandson" and the queen slowly walk to where Datu Habolo is and hug him, the queen speak again with her teary eyes "I have so long waited for this moment my grand child". Datu Habolo is shocked, he does not know his mother since she was died after her birth of him. The queen speaks again, "Come my grand son, we have a lot to talk about, including the prophecy and it is urgent", "Captain Lawin, please give shelter to the humans and feed them". Captain Lawin "Yes my queen", and captain Lawin go out.
Datu Habolo and Queen Maya had talk for many hours. They also talked about his mother. And they finally talked about the Prophecy. The queen said that there is a prophecy among them that there is a time when humans will fled to their land and the leader of that humans will be the only hope in countering the evil enchanted being from terrorizing the land. Queen Maya and Datu Habolo devise a plan to counter the evil beings. They must unite the whole land, humans and enchanted beings must be united and fight under one banner. The Banner of Hope that Datu Habolo is shouldering.
And that is the start of our game

Here is where I am at the moment with sculpted human figure and a paint over of clothes, accessories, weapon(Kampilan), and shield(Kalasag). The design is still work in progress.

Datu Habolo