I've recently graduated from university and wanted to do a completely fresh portfolio as alot of the work I did on the course isn't up to par. Tried looking around the internet for people who have also graduated to have a look at their portfolios but all I find are people who have already got jobs so it's hard to see what the competition is and what I should be including in mine.
Would an environment artist portfolio consist of just personal work (until they are employed?), I know it's good to have a variety of styles in my models. So I was thinking of doing something like this:
3 different styles, breaking them down into separate sheets.
Style 1:
- Low poly scene
- High poly scene
- Concept used
- Select props
- High
- low
- texture etc
^ something like that?
I was also wondering what you guys think about using other people's concept art to make a scene? I'm not the best concept artist and find it much easier to work in 3D than 2D. Do you think it's ok to use a piece of concept art and give credit for it?
For example I've seen on one person's portfolio they used a piece of concept art from a game to model a scene and labelled it a fan piece.
I'm just not sure where to start with my portfolio, as I'd like to have a nice mixture of pieces to show off.
For your portfolio, snake85027 has a good point. Aim a company you like, and try to make something they can use on their games. Ex : if you aim Crytek, try to make a realistic environment & props. For Blizzard, they make hand painted stuffs, so do some.
Variety in portfolio is good : it adds variety and you have more open doors for opportunities. And don't forget, quality over quantity. Don't need to put 50 characters or guns on your portfolio, just put 5-6 of your BEST works. Blow them away and make them "I want to hire this guy because he can do something for my games."
Hope it help!
Good luck!