Hey guys, i just finished my robot here. I need to help with color scheme and would ask if anyone can help me with a paintover. I just picked blue as an arbitrary color for now. Thanks
Uploaded my paintover. I always feels its very monochrome and i place color is a bad/wrong area especially for a pattern feel
try something first, do your own paintover and then you might get some responses
when he fires his guns he will just fall on his back?
All the reference you could need.
Op= did you even try?
This, no shit, took me less than 5 minutes:
and though it's hardly a pro paintover it's good enough that you can play around in PS with colours etc.
Ged- There is a third leg back there cant really see from angel. Tripod setup. That would be pretty funny tho, reminds me of the portal turret
Great link overlord thanks