Evening everyone. I have managed to pull up a showreel together hoping to get a environment internship or junior position in the games industry. I would love some feedback to help improve my showreel.

I am currently in the process of modelling my next environment which will be posted up online soon.
Presently none of my work displyed in my showreel has been rendered in realtime. All of them have been rendered straight out of max. Is it essential to have some work rendered in realtime when making a reel for the games industry?
My reel.
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DUiFjZSjYRA"]3D Showreel - YouTube[/ame]
Images of my work.

mr_ace The rendered model can be found in my reel and the lighting was done in max, which isn't my expertise. But I'll work on it thanks
Any suggestions for improvments on my reel or models?
So I really like the car stuff! In my opinion the texture for the honda is really nice!
Only thing which bothers my eye is the white spot on the back window.. what is this? ^^
I agree with mr_ace, put some pictures in without wireframes.
I also agree on not using a demo reel. Well maybe it's just a personal thing, but i like to watch at pictures the most. You can definitely spend more time to look at details...
Now I have sth to crit on your street scene:
1) the lighting seems dull and a bit boring. You should definitely play around with the lighting on this scene and you will see how much you can improve it
2) the normal map of the street looks too big in comparison. I'd do it more noisy but with smaller dots.
But you should definitely change/improve the lighting.
Keep up the good work!