Hey polycount, this is a character I've been working on for a friend's game. I could use some advice on how to improve him.
I made a base mesh in Softimage 2011, exported that to Sculptris to make the hi-poly, then painted in mudbox and photoshop. I'm mainly interested on improving the edges of his vest which doesn't look as convincing as I would like and also some tips for texturing his hair. Since two of my three other characters have loose clothing articles I'm a little more concerned with the clothing than the hair.

Thanks for any help you've got.
Anyway, I'd really like to get some advice on texturing his head and body, specifically his beard and surface detail, such as pores, as well as his hair. The software I have to work with is Softimage, Mudbox, Maya (all 2011), Photoshop, Sculptris, and Crazy Bump. Also, you'll probably notice some weird seams at the base of the neck and where the arms meet the shoulder, those are minor fixes I'll take care of soon.
As for texturing things like beards and pores I would recommend using a tool like spotlight in ZBrush, if you are not familiar with ZBrush I'm sure Mudbox will have some similar texturing tools. If that's not your cup of tea you could always just layer up some extracted reference pictures in your Ps texture maps.
I would be using ZBrush without a second thought if I had it, but I guess I'll have to figure out how to do it in Mudbox since I would very much prefer painting directly on the model.