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Looking for Concept Artist for Contemporary MMORPG

This position is for the passionate artist wishing to create concept art (primarily matte paintings) within a high-fantasy setting. As a concept artist, you will be creating conceptual pieces (environments, characters, animations, etc.) as directed by the game designers. Your creations will be used to visualize the game(codenamed Tsukora)'s designs and world.

Understand that this position does not require a high time commitment while there is no pay rate. Additionally, you will be working with an international team spread out across the globe, so real-time communication may be sparse depending on your location.

Some information on Tsukora~
  • Journey-driven experience
  • Non-targeted action combat
  • Open world
  • Personalized mob spawns (Dynamic)
  • Modular personal story system
  • Player-initiated events
  • Objective-based Open-Player-versus-Player zones
  • Airships (Combat capable)
  • Nontraditional progression (No vertical or horizontal progression) based on player achievements


To apply, please send me (Daikichi) a private message containing a letter and your portfolio (attached images or link/s). In your letter, please tell us about yourself, both as a person, and as an artist/developer.

We look forward to seeing your creations!
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