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UDK Matinee Morph issues

polycounter lvl 7
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gizmo1357 polycounter lvl 7
hello everyone,

recently I wanted to do a simple face morphing looping from 1 state to another.

I decided to create a morpher in 3dsMax and to export it into UDK. this is where my first issue has come. import fail everytime if there is no bones or dummy conected by a skin in the stack over the morpher.

eventhough I realize how to export my Mesh with the morpher, create an animtree (in which i can see the morph working) go to the kismet and create a matinee in which i configure properly according to some tuts i found (see below) it's not working in the editor or in game.


[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmDFD6v8_u8"]Morph target with UDK 2nd part : cinematics - YouTube[/ame]

to summarise everything goes well before the kismet/matinee

anyone have any idea where the probleme come from?

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