Hey good guys and girls
I thought it was time to get some portfolio critique to see where I am heading.
As many here I am looking for a job, so the last thing I need is for something that's not work related to make my portfolio worse than needed(like navigation and such)
Here you go
Cholden: Not that you say it, I wonder why I have not noticed that before or anyone else has mentioned something, cause as you say I have more background than art showing, I will fix that right now
I have no idea what I was thinking using such small images :P
If nothing comes up I will let it die out
Well it's setup with blogger so it kinda has that feel, I will try and improve on that.
The bicycle weapon is such an esoteric and strange subject matter I really do not know how I feel about it. I think you did a good job of modeling that actual seat.
The forklift is nice but I think the modeling could have been pushed even further.
The Bioschock machine is very inefficiently unwrapped. It also has a major texel density discrepancy which is distracting for the viewer.
I think you can remove the cannon and medic sci-fi pillar.
The website itself is nice and simple, but it does have that generic, cookie-cutter template quality to it, which in a way serves to cheapen the content on it.
On the rifle I really like the design myself, but there are areas that could be improved on it, I will try and carry that to my next project.
The renders are from perspective but I did mess with the focal length of the 3ds max camera, so I think that's why.
The bicycle weapon is a bit special indeed I just had to finish it, if it is to special for some I can remove it.
The Bioschock machine yeah, I was looking at the scene a few days ago and the unwrap I did is really bad.
From what I remember I manage to corrupt my first unwrap for it so I got lazy when I had to redo it, should have taken my time though.
Would have saved my a lot of trouble in the end.
I will try and get a "real" website when I grow up, cause blogger is kinda limited I think
My goal is mainly getting any job I can involving hard surface modeling.
Of course weapon, prop or environment artist would be preferred, working on my first environment as you might know
A lot has happened since I started this topic, well I did a redesign on my website, tell me what you think.
Unfortunately not much new work there, going to change that soon
But you got some solid work and the site looks nice overall.
I can try and do something about the thumbnails, I do agree that it's a bit deceiving hiding the proper colors and lighting.
But again I want there to be some kind of indication when you hover over a picture, any ideas on how to pull that of?
Thanks guys.
I would recommend switching the order of things around though. The bike weapon isn't a bad asset, but it's a little strange for it to be front and center. In my opinion, your most impressive pieces are the cave scene and overdose weapon, so I'd place them right at the top.
The Remington 700 seems like it doesn't belong. The model is nice, but not jaw-dropping and the texturing being done by another person sort of cheapens it.
Keep the mouse-over effect, but keep them at their original brightness initially to make the page more "interesting" upon first glance.
Maybe even categorize your pieces.
I will categorize my portfolio when I get enough stuff in there, a bit bare now