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Portfolio Review

polycounter lvl 11
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EggE polycounter lvl 11
Hey guys, I finished up some work on my website and I just need some feedback.



  • DrunkShaman
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    DrunkShaman polycounter lvl 15
    The website looks great, but your 2d sketches need more work. Their proportions are off. In your website's 3d section; the environments are pretty basic. Like its what we see here everyday. they are good but a little more work on them would improve them.

    Good luck.
  • Daelus
    Biggest thing that bothered me was the navigation. You go to a category, then an item, then there's a whole bunch of images and no way to navigate from one image to another. You have to open them one at a time, close them, then move to another.
  • Add3r
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    Add3r polycounter lvl 11
    Going to agree with Daelus here. It is an interesting layout, but it seems a tad clunky and when I went through your portfolio I got a little frustrated and skipped over a lot of the content and actually ended up looking at the thumbnails instead of bringing up the images when I dug into the individual projects, specifically because I could scroll through the images, I had to open them one by one, and that's tedious and will frustrate a user pretty quickly. Maybe if you did a fly through of ur level or something of the sort and then put some screenies below the video or something it would be less clunky feeling, or just make a page and simply just put the pose shot as the header image and then follow up with screens from without the maps for ur environments. Just a thought, showcasing your work in a easy, accessibly manner is the first priority and then make it look pretty. You got the pretty part down nicely I believe, maybe a little flat with the graphics, but it is looking good so far!
  • EggE
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    EggE polycounter lvl 11
    thanx Daelus, I'll correct the navigation issues.
    Nitewalkr- if you can please elaborate which image has problems with its proportion? 2d is an area i really want to improve in.
  • nick2730
    get rid of lightbox its annoying
  • cholden
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    cholden polycounter lvl 18
    Image blurs when overlayed? no thanks. Makes my eyes go "eww"
  • EggE
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    EggE polycounter lvl 11
    lol, ok i took away the rollover images and the annoying lightbox. It's kinda liberating because its a pain to set up. How do you guys like it now?
  • nightfrontier
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    nightfrontier polycounter lvl 8
    Hey EggE!

    Are those scenes done in UDK? There is a command to dump movies from UDK at perfect settings and with perfect framerate. Right now the lack of frames and aliasing take away from the scenes themselves. Check this link out: Capturing Cinematics And Gameplay

    If it's not UDK.. just ignore my post (but I'm sure there's some kind of command for whatever engine you are using).
  • EggE
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    EggE polycounter lvl 11
    hey night- yea its UDK, i just compressed the video down because it was pretty much a gig, but your right it could look better, I'm just a noob when it comes to capturing and uploading video to the web.
  • nightfrontier
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    nightfrontier polycounter lvl 8
    Well lucky for you I just went through the exact thing yesterday. I used the dump movie command and got each frame as a high quality bmp. I then used VirtualDub to compress the images into a video file running at the same framerate as I captured the frames. I think youtube compresses whatever video you send their way so it is important that the video you upload has good quality or else you'll end up with a double compressed mess :)
  • EggE
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    EggE polycounter lvl 11
    I rendered out higher quality videos this time, take a look.
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    Agree with what some others have said. Your 2D stuff needs a lot of work, and is honestly taking away from your 3D stuff, which is decent. The superman one is ok, but the others lack form and have weird proportion issues. As for the 3D stuff, the sci-fi scene depth of field is a little strong in my opinion.
  • Wombatinahat
    If your going to use video you could try vimeo for better quality. Also maybe try some shorter pans and edit them together into a video rather than having one long sweeping camera movement. I would probably ditch the video and just have images but that's a personal choice really. The website layout and navigation is also a little bit long winded and you might benefit more from having a scrolling index page with all your projects on. I would also remove the 2d stuff and concentrate on adding more 3d stuff.
  • EggE
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    EggE polycounter lvl 11
    Thanx guys, I'm going to ditch the 2d section then if it stands out as an eye sore. I'll work on consolidating my portfolio so it can be viewed faster.
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