Hi , Ihave a problem , I have a very curvy surface on wich I need to project a mask for a secondary extraction of bassrelief after , I have tried to use uvmap and paint directly into the uv the texture mask but the result aren't satisfactory and they woudl come better with direct work drag drop tool in zbrush of the masking , but whenever I do since is a round surface , the texture map gets stretched on sides of the curvature ... is there a way to be able to project the map in a way so that it projects along the normals of the item and not along a direction of sight?
Just a note on that:
You can't sculpt on the flattened mesh (UVMaster's flatten and UV Morph) and have it transfer when unflattened. You could create a new mesh from the flattened one, sculpt on it, and then create a displacement map though
Let's say I pick the mesh I make work on clone? then apply uvmaster and flatten it then ?
Or you could just bake something to a texture, apply to a plane, and sculpt on that (might waste a few polygons if you dont want to bother cleaning it up, but it shouldn't matter)).