sorry i made a mistake in the topic title, i mean glossy SPECULAR without RLR
im getting realtime reflections every time i put my glossiness value for the material above 50.
but glossyness level of 50 is a joke. like for stuff like tarmac or these concrete tiles in the picture, i need a gloss level of at least 100. (but im getting these reflections which make my material look like glass, which is totally not cool.
anybody know how to fix this without disabling it completely? (it would still be nice to have RTR for materials that do actually reflect, like marble floors or windows
or try lowering the value of your spec color.
also a specular mask of uniform/white noise might work
I also tried lowering specular color and level but that just made the specular go away. Did nothing to the RLR (except when specular is completely off, RLR disappears, but i cant do that cuz i need specular)
I also tried adding uniform noise to my specular (no idea why that should work but i tried it anyway cuz im really out of ideas right now)
All it did was make my specular all grainy (the RLR became grainy too but its still there)
last guess before I do more harm than good:
how about a black gloss map?
r_SSReflections = 0
or r_SSReflCutoff = 0.5
those are the cvars. The top one completely disables it, and the bottom one defines the min gloss level that the RLR is enabled at. (cvar values from 0-1 translate to 0-255 in the gloss slider)