hello guys,
recently i was given a test by a game studio to make this asset.I did my best and came up with this asset in under 72 hours as that was the limit.
Unfortunately, i wasn't selected but still want to improve myself further.
please, it's my request to all of you to crit this asset of mine and tell me it's shortcomings.It had to be under 250 tris but i made it in 238 tris.I had to make the DAMAGED CRATE.
Thanks a ton for your inputs.
I have rendered this image in Marmoset.
Your model looks very straight sided for a damaged crate. I would have tweaked it a little with a lattice in maya (not sure what the equivilant is in max) or something to just deform it a little. You could have cut a few bits out of the mesh to make the silouette look broken. add some triangle cuts to the edges at the top. I dont know what size texture you used, but the bottom of the crate looks like it's at a different resolution to the rest of it. Looks blurry. Could you post your texture flats so we can see how you laid out your textures?
Its a good effort for 72 hours though!
just my $0.02
And like Mordin said, it doesn't look 'damaged'. It looks old and dirty, sure, but it's sharp as new. A quick fix would be yo just move around some vertices, perhaps with a FFD:
After that, you should (if there is time/budget remaining) go in and hand-make some detailed damage such as cracks in the surface, some chips of the silhouette and perhaps some loosened hinges or panels.
The concept has some really nice highlights on the edges, dont be afraid to paint those directly into your disuse and spec, it helps to bring out the shapes of the geometry. Could have done the same for the recessed areas, darkened them a bit to help push the shape.
There are areas on the front where it appears there is paint chipping off, you should push the differences in those materials to help them stand out. right now they look like two different hues of the same material.
The texel density looks all over the place. some areas look detailed, while adjacent areas look blurry.
The back of the box has nothing going on. you basically only did the parts that were shows and missed an importunity to so you can think outside the box (no pun intended). At the very least I would have duplicated the front, then you could have reused that part of the texture.
lastly, look at the silhouette of the concept and the silhouette of your prop. yours is still very geometric. Let the geometry help sell that this crate is damaged. a lot of the geometry is already there, just moving a couple verts, even if it means adding a cut or two goes a long way into making the object more interesting.
I know this sounds like a lot, but the finishing touches on a model/texture represent 90% of the work. you are on the right track, just need to give it that last bit of finesse to stand out from the crowd.
@odium - It's not crazy bump.I used Zbrush to make HP.Posting updates below.
@almighty_gir - They told me it's not hand painted.I had to make it realistic looking.
@Snader - No by 72 hours I mean each day i was giving it approx 6-8 hours.It's not actual working hours.I used Maya to model.
Posting wireframes texture Sheet and Zbrush Model Below for your views.
biggest problem I see is the diffuse is too dark, if you had baked out a nice amb occ, added some smudges of color from there, it probably would've been better.
hand painted, can be realistic looking... don't try to define realistic as photosourcing, read up on some of Hazardous' recent posts on this subject.
You, sir, speak the truth!
Technically speaking, as has been mentioned already, you've got some pretty serious normal map issues. I would just read up on normal maps and the baking process a bit more, here's a good place to start: http://wiki.polycount.com/NormalMap/
With your high-poly, there seems to be some weird distortion in some of the detail, it looks like you didn't have even quads and could have spent more time preparing the model for sculpting. However, I think most of the detail probably should have been done in a hard-surface modeling program, just using zbrush for some finishing touches with the damage.
Overall though, not bad! Keep working at it.
@Goat Justice - Yes You are right.I softened all the edges on my LP and baked out my normal map.Thanks for the Link.
@North - Ok.I will try to improve my normal maps in my future assets.
@Shiniku - I Had quads on my Base mesh of HP...Posting Wireframes below for you....
Thanks for the encouragement.Appreciate it.
@jrey - I don't know why you are saying that....i have given few art tests before too to some reputed studios....
@ZombieWells - Studio has not specifically told me that i couldn't post this anywhere.(usually they do tell but this time it was not mentioned anywhere)Furthermore, Studio name is not mentioned and as i said i want to improve and how can i improve if i don't post my work and have people crit it? Every Studio has lots of resources to spare for figuring out a small art tests, i don't think there should be an issue if studio has not mentioned anything about it.
It looks like you need to go back to basics, just for now, on a few little things, just to brush up. Look into smoothing groups BIG TIME as that will help you a lot here.