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ZBrush Dynamesh

polycounter lvl 6
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Pola polycounter lvl 6
So I'm making some 3D text, I've created it in 3dcoat and brought it into zbrush, the first time it worked fine it was about 7 letters, then I decided to try do the entire alphabet in one go.

If I try to dynamesh it zbrush crashes. If I split each letter into its own polygroup and split polygroups into subtools, dynameshing a single subtool works however the resolution is not very dense at all, 1024 resolution looks like what I'd expect from 64-128. Is it applying this relative to if it were to apply it to all the other letters as well? Its the first time I've ever come across dynamesh providing such a low resolution.

My reason for wanting to use dynamesh is to apply surface noise, it terribly deforms my mesh with the current topology. I've also noticed that when I setup noise in zbrush the preview may look great but once I apply it the mesh either grows or decreases in size slightly and can also result in a bubbly surface if the noises strength is too high. Any reason for why that occurs? Its usually alright if the strength is at 0.005 or lower.


  • Pola
    Offline / Send Message
    Pola polycounter lvl 6
    After trying out many different things I brought the high poly object into maya and tried just a single letter, dynamesh was still causing the same results, I wondered if it had anything to do with how far away it was from the origin but no luck centering it to origin either. I pressed the F key on the selected letter in maya, it zoomed away from the letter instead of centering it.

    Apparently there was a bunch of information that wasn't visible to the eye or something..possibly caused from 3dcoats export(can't remember if the text was from 3dcoats text tool or text created through maya and imported into 3dcoat to use voxels to clean up the messy geometry since zbrush would crash trying to dynamesh it). I drag selected the faces of the letter that I wanted and duplicated them to remove all the excess waste. Bringing this back into zbrush it could dynamesh just fine.

    From memory dynamesh works in a volume and these excess details that weren't visible visually were stretching it quite far out thus giving the lower quality dynamesh resolution I was experiencing.
  • cryrid
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    cryrid interpolator
    If I split each letter into its own polygroup and split polygroups into subtools, dynameshing a single subtool works however the resolution is not very dense at all, 1024 resolution looks like what I'd expect from 64-128. Is it applying this relative to if it were to apply it to all the other letters as well? Its the first time I've ever come across dynamesh providing such a low resolution.

    That would be a scale issue. Try unifying the mesh before splitting them up (under Tools: Deformation).

    Edit: Actually, I see you found the hidden culprit.
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