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[Portfolio] Alex Borre - Character Artist

polycounter lvl 7
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ABorre12 polycounter lvl 7
Hey All,
I am new to Polycount and this is my first post.
I graduated from Tribeca Flashpoint Media Arts Academy in Chicago in early June, and am now looking to enter the game industry.
I love character modeling. At Tribeca Flashpoint I was introduced to all aspects of 3D and I did my best to get an understanding of them all, in the end I gravitated toward character modeling and its become a passion of mine.
Below is a link to my website which contains the best of my work at Tribeca Flashpoint as well as some projects I've worked on since my graduation. I would really appreciate any critiques/comments or input on my models/presentation/website/anything. Thanks!



  • Mekhollandt
    Well, you already got my info, but let's see what the community has to say.....
  • ABorre12
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    ABorre12 polycounter lvl 7
    Well I've made some changes to my website and added some work, working on a few low res meshes now. Any critiques or comments would be very helpful

  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    good stuff!

    you might want to focus on improving facial anatomy your models though.

    also, low poly meshes have rather poor lighting here:

    it's much better on the high poly so maybe you could emulate something like this with realtime shader:
  • Mask_Salesman
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    Mask_Salesman polycounter lvl 15
    Hey, Nice start man, your anatomy is fair enough for a junior but don't take this the wrong way but your faces are awful.

    If you can accept this potentially harsh sounding crit then you've already begun to improve them.

    The quickest way to get good at sculpting faces outside of 2D practice is orthographic Face Ref and Zbrush's spotlight wheel.
    Altho primarily for polypainting, it's reference overlaying approach allows you to have ref hover over your model with any lvl of opacity. Making it easy to to sculpt a more accurate likeness.
    Plus texturing then becomes easy with zproject.

    If you can improve your faces and include some cloth work, creases etc. You'd have a much larger chance of getting a character role.

    Gud luck with it :)
  • leslievdb
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    leslievdb polycounter lvl 15
    good work overall ,


    i`d get rid of the swampcreature
    also your other project beauty shot materials make everything look like bronze statues or plastic.

    I`d get rid of the black boxes for the text here and tone down the texture on those backgrounds


    get rid of the texture in the background and the black line on top, they dont add anything to the presentation



    Really like this one, would be cool to see some more macrodetail on it

    anyway you`re getting there, i do have to agree on the face crits so work on that
  • garriola83
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    garriola83 greentooth
    Hey fellow Chicagoan, your work looks good, but you do need to improve on quite a few things.

    Like some have already pointed out, you need to improve your faces. Also, your anatomy models have a tendency to look like they're leaning back, especially on the female. And on the female anatomy itself, it doesn't seem to have that feminine "lines of beauty" on the gesture; even it is on a t-pose, it should still look as if its got flowy gesture lines. Also, put hair on the female. Really sell the idea that you are a complete character artist.

    Your Humph creature is a good concept, but it seems to lack textures, or some sort of distinct coloring. Your oaf also looks like a good concept, but i can't help but feel like he needs a pattern or some clothes, or something to break the skin texture.

    Your creature work is good, solid. I think you are great at that, but you might want to improve your human anatomy a bit.

    Good luck!
  • ABorre12
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    ABorre12 polycounter lvl 7
    Thank you all! I'm glad I've found a place to get some good honest critiques on my work. It always very helpful and motivating to hear what I need improvement on.

    Blaisoid – Thank you, I will definitely be begin focusing on faces as that seems to be my biggest problem. I had never really tried to create realistic human faces until these anatomy projects, and they certainly didn't turn out how I wanted them to. I agree with you on the lighting as well, I'll have to revisit that one, I was just using screengrabs from Mayas openGL render.

    Mask_Salesman – Thank you very much for the honest critique. I too would say my human faces turned out awful.. haha. I didn't focus much on them for the anatomy sculpts, I probably should have and I will definitely be reworking them. I'll have to try out that sculpting method using face reference you suggested, sounds like it would help.

    Ravenslayer – Thanks, rendering/material work has been kind of a weak point for me. I've gotten a little better since the time of those renders, but it would probably be worth it for me to go back and re render them. I was trying to make my presentations less plain but maybe I over did it a little bit.

    Garriola83 – Thank you, I see what your saying about the female model, not as feminine as she probably should be. And yeah I'll definitely put some hair on her once I fix her face. I will probably end up adding some clothes to my creatures, not only do I need the cloth practice but I agree with you that the skin on the oaf needs to be broken up. I'll have to do something similar for Humph.

    Thanks again all, it seems faces are my biggest problem, I'll have to get to it then! I can always work on quality, but is there anything you all think I might be missing completely as far as what I need to show to get a start as a character artist? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
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