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Question about floating geo!

polycounter lvl 13
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bcottage polycounter lvl 13
I have decided to model a different gun using some of the techniques that i have learned from this tutorial:


I hit a point where i am a bit stuck on something that is bothering me.
As you can see in the image i have used the floating geo technique to make things a bit easier for this part of the gun....however it only looks good from certain angles. In other angles it looks completely wrong?

Hope you guys can help me :)



  • MrOneTwo
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    MrOneTwo polycounter lvl 12
    Floating geo has to look good from one perspective - perpendicular to the surface you are baking. Try to bake what you got. Looks like it should bake well.
  • bcottage
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    bcottage polycounter lvl 13
    "Floating geo has to look good from one perspective - perpendicular to the surface you are baking"

    Sorry i am not quite sure what you mean. The main part where the floating mesh is on is slightly curved so this might cause a problem? however the low poly geo is like exactly perfect :/
  • Artaani
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    Artaani polycounter lvl 7
    No matter how it's looks in viewport. Just try to bake and you are will see. Only normal vectors are important. It should be well.
  • WarrenM
    He's saying that if it looks good when you're looking at it straight on, it should bake correctly. When it's in the normal map, it will look fine from other angles.
  • bcottage
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    bcottage polycounter lvl 13
    but if its on a curve it will never look perfect straight on? i can completly understand if it was on a plane.

    Anyway, i have unwrapped the low poly and will bake later after i go out for a bit :).

    Thanks for your constant support guys, will keep you updated!
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    just bake and see. but a large detail like the shell ejection should just be modeled in, it;s not a very difficult shape.

    if it was me making it, i would model hte shell ejection right in, and float the bolts.
  • bcottage
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    bcottage polycounter lvl 13

    I think i might do what you suggested and just model the piece into the mesh. There are already support lines there but i guess i can just detach part of the mesh?

    I would bake the mesh tho i have hit a wall....

    My materials are not opening...

    I push m and nothing..it looks like it tries to open something but it doesnt work.

    The slate editor opens but i prefer the old skool version :/
  • passerby
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    passerby polycounter lvl 12
    just redirect edges that are in your way, or try and use then for the shape.
  • bcottage
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    bcottage polycounter lvl 13
    After smashing my head against the keyboard for a few hours this is how i have fixed it..


    From every angle the smoothing looks 100% perfect so it should bake well :)
  • bcottage
    Offline / Send Message
    bcottage polycounter lvl 13
    I am in the middle of modeling the rail for my Mossberg 500 rifled and have a question before i progress further.

    The rail is moddled from photo reference and the low poly of this part b yitself is 872 polys. To me it sounds kinda high but i really cant think of another way to model it?

    I was thinking about having it on a seperate map with the scope?

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