I found this awesome concept by
ERIC SPRAY that moved me for a 3D piece. What an amazing artist this guy! :thumbup: Anyways I went ahead and took this beautiful piece pretty far and I am ready for another round of critiques.

Now this is a WIP I would say we are on the back nine of this golf course getting to the last stretch of things. I am looking to see what everyone thinks and what might need some changing. I am trying to make this as close to the concept as possible, but then take this piece into my own direction with revamping it. This is to show that One I can work closely to Concept Art and Two that I can take the concept and build on it. So that is my next goal after we lock this screenshot down. I am building in Max and I am Using UDK as my engine. Also I am building with only 2 maps 1 x 1024 and 1 x 512. Okay Amigos stay classy! i hope you like:poly108:
I'd say that to match it a little better you could up the specularity on the floors and walls as in the concept it's all very shiny and clean looking, whereas yours is a bit grungier.
Looking forward to seeing how you put your own spin on this
Well after all that... I'd still say its coming along and I really like what you did with the entrance, looks more interesting then the concepts. Keep it up!
I do like the grungier look, but tried to keep it looking still clean so do you think I went a little overboard or is this just the right amount? I will up the glossy shinny look to that floor you are totally right with the amount that its at right now its doesn't read clean enough.
I think the lighting is playing my materials differently. Maybe If i just up the contrast in UDK of my materials Ill get a better color read of the concepts. I do agree after looking at the wall and roof that I should go back in and angle the top wall trim in just like the concept. Dang didnt really think about that. I tried to read this concept being shorter, but the perspective is off for that to make sense. Ill take out a couple walls and see how that looks.
As KartoonHead said your tileable textures don't tile. You have seem upon seem and it's very distracting and detracts from the quality.
I would also not "revamp it". I say just stick to this one environment until it looks as good as you can possibly make it. There's nothing to prove when you "revamp" and give your own twist on a concept piece, especially if the quality is low. I would just stick to making it as close to the concept as you can, as well as learning alot more of the technical aspects of environment building in unreal. Lightmaps, post process, no seems.....etc. Once you have a couple of good environment pieces then maybe find a looser concept that way you can add alot more of your own visuals to it while not needing to worry about the technical learning curve of unreal.
I think it's headed in a good direction but you have alot to progress on.
First off, good to see you doing some new stuff. I know how hard it can be to do personal projects when you're already doing a job so kudos to working outside of work!
At first glance, the scene looks solid but falls apart when you start scutinizing any details.
When working from a concept like this one, it's best to stay very true to the concept unless you really know your shit and can comfortably elaborate on details. When you deviate from the concept too much on an exercise like this, folks will start thinking that you're deviating not because you're taking creative liberties, but because you don't know what you're doing. Whether that's the case or not, it's a good idea to work closely from the concept.
This concept has really nice material definitions, designs, and solid lighting to help inform your end product so use that to your advantage.
That said, here's a few suggestions.
Up top, your ceiling deviates in design from the concept. You've constructed it in a way where it slopes upward toward the walls and inward in the center, and added trusses, which is arguably interesting - is kindof wonky looking and the concept has stronger, cleaner designs to work with. I'd suggest reworking that.
Folks have aleady pointed out the obvious tiling texture problems, seams etc. so I won't go into that.
The light-grey metal struts that support the walls from the floor (with the pipes running through the base of them) have hard black lines on all the edges, and it makes them look less like "I'm a solid piece of machined steel" and more like "I'm hollow inside and I'm not very sturdy". Not to mention the specular response isn't really working like the concept suggests it should. Bevel those edges, so they catch light, and re-UV them to get rid of that black line.
The overall quality of your textures right now are just "okay". I think you can do a lot better. Start with decreasing your AO bake by like 50% or more. It's super intense right now. Let your normal maps and unreal's SSAO do it for you procedurally and it'll look a lot better. But back to your texture quality. It's lacking and it's most obvious on the greenish/grey wall textures. Put a lot more love in to this one because it just looks like you took some cgtextures.com photosource, slapped an AO bake over it and put a scratch layer by the edges. While that will get you an A+ in class at Ai it won't help you ship a game title. You've done a good job with getting pretty nice material responses out of them, it LOOKS like metal, but the diffuse just looks kinda meh. With an hour or two of work there it'll really start to look solid.
One more thing on the textures is that all of the metals in the concept have different tonal values to them, and different levels of saturation and certain qualities that set them apart from one another. Use this concept to your advantage here and make these metals all look distinguishable from one another. Now maybe your lighting is too green and it's making everyting look green, but as of right now - everything's the same color and everything looks all muddy.
Overall, most of your geometry and modeling looks good. Hard to say without a wireframe but the final product doesn't have a lot of areas where I'm like WHOA BAD MODELING with exception to:
The "light cans" in the central ceiling strut that cast the light down onto the floor need work. They don't resolve into a nice clean, designed-looking bevel like one would expect, and like the concept suggests. You can see clearly some faceting on the one closest to the camera and it makes it look really noob-ish. Spend 20 minutes cleaning that up so that it looks legit becuase it looks sloppy right now. Not to sound rude there, these are just things that you already know how to do but haven't focused intensely enough on detail.
The swirly design inside the lights on the walls look weird. Ditch it.
I like the liberties you've taken inside the doorway on the right. I would leave that as it is for now unless someone else has some strong suggestions.
Overall your composition and lighting pretty well match the concept, and are strong. There seems to be a good balance of darks and lights and my eye is clearly drawn to your focal point. That's awesome.
Hope this helps Thomas . Don't start over, make these corrections, and update us. Impress us with your resilience! love youuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu
So I have a small update tonight with the ceiling and I am in the process of reworking my texture right now. I have the old texture applied right now with a different specular anyways not a whole lot but I will have more later. Just wanted to show something since its been awhile.
Few questions UDK is doing some weird things to me with seams and I have taken my meshes back to the drawing board to make sure its not a mesh issue and have looked into basic materials seems to tile right with basic, but I guess it might just be my old specular and diffuse that just wasnt tiling right. Can a cubemap create seam issues? Does anyone have some handy links in polycount to dilemmas like this?
Pope Adam- Thank you for the helpful critique I am trying to follow up on everything you have said so far. I love it! Keep it coming.
Wester- that goes same to you amigo!
Polycount - I do like the help keep it coming any good links to issue solving that you might see in my screen grab give me a link. would be much appreciate
bombadil- outskies!