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Cube Construction Scene

Hey, I kind of feel ashamed to put my simple work here, under so much awesome high quality stuff. But I would really appreciate some feedback on a little scene I built today in Blender. Is it okay, as it is, or what should I change? Does the compositin work? Maybe add some textures?



  • Talbot
    It's a nice start! I would suggest thinking about the background. Where is this? Is this deserted because its old and people have given up? Or perhaps its just nighttime and nobody is there. Asking these questions will help push the piece and then you will be able to answer what sort of textures you want. You could keep it close to the way it is now. It's a nice stylized look.

    Also the boards that bridge between are too perfectly parallel.

    Good luck!
  • Selaznog
    Offline / Send Message
    Selaznog polycounter lvl 8
    Yeah, angle the boards a bit more. Overall, I love the idea. Feels really original to me. I think you should add some textures
  • JostVice
    Offline / Send Message
    JostVice polycounter lvl 12
    You have a nice wallpaper there. Also, what did the workers do to put the bricks in the higher places, they really used those ladders with the bricks on their back? :)
  • RLPudding
    thanks for the feedback

    @JostVice: I'm currently trying to design a crane that looks thin but also stable. that's hard :D

    I'm also currently thinking about some minor textures, because I kind want to keep the minimalistic look. And I'm thinking about more tools that could lay around giving some more detail.
  • RLPudding
    added a crane and turned down the bloom a little bit.
    still no idea, what to do with the background... maybe hint at a construction hall or sth.
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