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sci fi jetfighter

polycounter lvl 12
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hannes d polycounter lvl 12
i am making a sci fi vehicle for the contest at NGHS
it's the first time i do hard surface
and i decided to do it in zbrush :poly136:
it's a good exercise to learn zbrush
feedback is always appreciated

current progress:
my sketch/conceptart


  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    think about the time it's going to take you to harden all those edges, compared to the time it would take to create something in max or maya or modo or whatever package you may use, THEN bring it into zbrush maybe for some damage. It's just a bit silly and counter-productive.

    you want to never step on your own toes when it comes to creating your work.
    just my 2 cents, but something i'm consistently learning, as i get used to a professional workflow.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    Now that zbrush has dynamesh and hard surface brushes I think its a percfectly valid workflow for gathering and testing out ideas and forms and getting base meshes. I would then take it into another program like modo and retopo it. Why bother with topology before you have all your smooth flowing curves and details decided?

    If it were a gun or some super mechanical hard edge piece than it might be best to stick with Max or Modo, but for something like this organic, flowing and curvy ship I think zbrush is a great starting point.
  • Sage
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    Sage polycounter lvl 20
    it looks cool. I suggest you make several versions then retopo it like Computron said.
  • Alberto Rdrgz
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    Alberto Rdrgz polycounter lvl 15
    Computron wrote: »
    Blah blah... blah


    i dont think he's playing with ideas when he's jumping to mid level details bro. I remember this thing people used to do in photoshop... with like little silhouette studies... hmm. i wonder what that was called?
  • hannes d
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    hannes d polycounter lvl 12
    yep starting to realize a few things now
    1) zbrush is great, but some parts are way faster in max
    i wanted to do this as a zbrush only exercise
    to increase my zbrush knowledge
    i must say i learned a lot of it, but now i ll start using max
    since there's not any point anymore in keep using zbrush
    2)should 've done more concepting
    now, when i m working out stuff, i start to just take a screenshot and paint over it in photshop
    because i just implied it, and even though it might look right (to me), i have no idea what to do with it, how to model it
    3) alberto, you are right
    but this started as a zbrush exercise
    i know zbrush isn't the main tool for things like hard surface but i just wanted to try it
    and i saw some tutorial on it wich looked so awsome so just had to try it :)
    must say though, those guys did it way faster then i could even do in max

    i'll just keep practising :)

    here's the mechanism i made for the wheels
    testing some rigs in max for the wheels and the entrance/stairs

  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13

    i dont think he's playing with ideas when he's jumping to mid level details bro. I remember this thing people used to do in photoshop... with like little silhouette studies... hmm. i wonder what that was called?

    Watch out, we got a badass over here. :)

    Did you see the six thumbnails sized pics at the bottom of OP's post?
    It sure looks like he was concepting and playing with ideas to me.
    Also, you got to have the right resolution/number of edge loops to support those 'mid level details', which is why I think its a good idea to go up to that level of detail before you have to figure out your topology. Getting smooth mid res geo is easy with the hard surface brushes and you can get pretty good results with retopo if you take it to any other app where you can then make it into a clean turbosmoothing surface with those high level details and bevels.

    There's a lot of value in doing your concepting in 3d without hassling over verts and topo.

    I don't think you should discount this workflow so quickly.
  • Computron
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    Computron polycounter lvl 13
    hannes d wrote: »
    here's the mechanism i made for the wheels
    testing some rigs in max for the wheels and the entrance/stairs


    How is the wheel going to attach on to that?
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