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Looking for critique - Animation Walk Cycle

[ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dn5X4qyOiaU"]Female Walk Cycle WIP - YouTube[/ame]

I'm looking for any feedback for this walk cycle. I'm going for a female runway walk. I know there are problems in the legs (pops and such,) but I'm having trouble working them out, and I also am having trouble identifying problems in other area of the animation. I like the front view of it, but I think the side is incongruous, and any help is appreciated.

Thanks for any feedback and consideration.

Here's an update:


  • ekunzendorf
    Unfortunately, when I click on the video it tells me its private.


  • dii
    Hey man you gotta set your youtube video to Unlisted and not Private if you want others to be able to see it.

    As it is no one can watch that video except you.
  • amoebanana
    Got it! Should be working now, sorry about that.
  • Pancakes
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    Pancakes polycounter lvl 14
    Can you show me a pic of your F-curves dawg? And also, your keyframes

    I like where you are going with it and frankly to me it looks okay, even the "popping" could be considered stylistic. Most clay animation and lego animation and stop motion has exactly that kind of popping and as long as it's readable it's okay. But if you are going for more pixar/GoW-esque then as I alluded to I think it might be something in your F-curves and distribution of keyframes
  • amoebanana
    Sorry, I'm a little bad on my terminology. Fcurves are the curves in the graph editor? If so, which ones do you want to see? And for my keyframes, do you mean you want to see my key poses rendered out? Again, sorry, my animation terminology isn't quite the best.
  • tristamus
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    tristamus polycounter lvl 9
    Her torso and / or neck is leaning back a bit too much, seems uncomfortable. There is serious popping happening on the knees, and from the looks of it, I bet you were doing most of your animation work from the front perspective, as that looks much more correct than the side view.

    It's just a little more touch up and this will be a fine walk cycle :]
  • amoebanana
    Yeah I have definitely been doing most of the work on the front. One of the things I'm looking for help on is how to make it more congruous across the two views (i.e. make the side look better to match the front)
    The neck and torso leaning back was a stylistic choice, but if its not working, I will definitely tone it down.
    Thanks for the input!
  • eazy
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    eazy polycounter lvl 9
    sup dood!

    I think you can get away with the stylistic choice with the backwards tilt if you just bring the ribcage over the hips a bit better. something else to look at would be more y-axis rotation on the shoulder/chest area as well as the hips. So basically do for the front-view what you've already done for the side view. Make the strut more of a strut, cuz right now it's kinda in the middle of walking and strutting.
  • amoebanana

    Here's an updated version! Thanks for all the input so far.
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    I am not that good an animation but I think the shoulders could rotate more like a runway model would do.
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