Hi everyone. First post to Polycount.
Here is a Unity 3D rendering of a sample of my 3d background meshes. Basically, there is a series of 10 meshes with different terrain features but all within the same ecology (for lack of a better word). They are imported into Unity where the user can translate, rotate, and scale them to compose their scene as they like it.

Each mesh was constructed and textured from a network of custom macro nodes completely in World Machine 2.3 beta. All the maps (diffuse, normal, displacement) were then imported into Max to be combined onto a pro-optimzed displaced plane.
The matching sky was rendered in Vue 10 infinite.

Raw World Machine Render:

Please note the scene was created using Unity 3D free, so there is no post fx (bloom, DoF, color correction etc..) used in these renderings. It's even using basic, single-color ambient and directional lighting. In a more feature-rich engine, these terrains work really well. But since I sell these assets in the Unity 3D Asset Store, I wanted to make sure I advertise acceptable results without utilizing the nice features found in a licensed version. Many developers use the free version.
There are two other sets of terrains I've created. You can find in-browser 3d demos of them on my website at
I love World Machine and have been using it for a long time. If there are any other WM users here, please drop me a line. Let's talk shop.
The displacement maps aren't used at runtime. They're only used to create the mountain geometry inside Max, Maya, Zbrush, Mudbox, etc., at whatever triangle count you like.
ive been trying to figure out how to do custom colours like that. Ive been trying to do a desert scene and im so new to world machine im having trouble getting anything right.
If you've done any tutorials id love to see them. I havnt found a whole lot of help on the program. Your definitely a pro!