Sup guys!
So a couple of weeks ago i saw this incredibly cool concept From Dii in the weekly recap and asked him if i could take a shot to do this guy in 3D and accepted!
so heres the progress so far wich is mainly the blockout and some main wrinkles on the cloths.
I really want to work hard on that piece be happy at the end of it
Last Update :
so heres my new update

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any crits would be very apprecieted ! thanks guys!

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i would really love to have crits about the progress that i have so far

I also think the concepts hands are a bit larger
Ok a small update here, still alot to go
added a couple of pieces, detailed abit of others!
Alot of pieaces on HIS left side ar just place holders and havent been mirrored yet to keep the polycount a bit lower
@ pancaakes: for the pose , the reason why i puted his arms a little bit more for from his body is to make the baking a little bit easier, ill try to get the right pose after that
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how long did this take so far?
Lookin solid so far, I'm surprised you didn't change much of the armor. Especially around the knee area cause I pretty much bs'd those shapes LOL
Main thing that sticks out to me isthat I think you overdid the mask, especially around the neck area
I'd planned for the mask to be pretty flat in the front and I didn't really solve much of the neck originally because it's mostly going to be in shadow but I imagined it would be basically a cloth wrap going around the neck/head in the areas the mask didn't cover. Sort of like a ninja mask. The artifacts around the neck in the original concept are from when I resized the mask and missed some cleanup, there's no armor there.
This is more how I had imagined it:
I think the hood could stick out a little more also but you're free to change whatever.
So i tried liked you said for the mask part and i do like it more! theres still some work to do around the face but design wise its more apealing.
I also moved alot of stuff to fix the anatomy around the shoulder/neck area
started detailed some stuff, added the sword.
I m also feeling that the knee area have some weird shapes now that you mentioned it!
so heres my new update
By fred2303 at 2012-07-10
By fred2303 at 2012-07-10
any crits would be very apprecieted ! thanks guys!
Did you start with a base mesh from max or maya or is this all zbrush?
Actually its a mix of both, i did some mesh in Max but Also did some bsemesh wih the Zsphere topology tool.
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I know the collar in the concept might be too low/narrow but I mean, you don't have to duplicate my mistakes. Just cause I suck at drawing doesnt mean you have to emulate it :P
A bit minor but I think the feet are a bit narrow.
Also just wanna say you're doing gorgeous work so far, especially in defining all the materials. Keep it up!
Yeah, I'm loving all the small details you're putting into this fella. I wish my zbrush skills were even close to this.
One thing that catches my eye is the edge of the boots (by the knee) and the edge of the shoulder armor. The thickness mainly. Maybe it's too perfect right now compared to the rest. Add some nicks and cuts on them perhaps? Although, all your metal armor looks perfect still. Not sure if you're going to add those details in or not..
keep killing it my friend; while I try to get motivate to make some rocks - in 3d! I might even texture them.
Whynot: thnaks alot for the compliment thats really apreciated! For the armor parts, dont worry, they are far from being finished, ill polish them really soon!! and good luck on your rocks!
Dii: thank you so much for following this! your crits are REALLY helpfuls, ill make sur to fix those! and also i saw you new character concet, hes sooo badass!!
Otherwise beautiful
Can't wait to see how this turns out
heres anothe small updates! added details here and there.
still no work done onthe armor yet!
@ Ravana: yeah its gonna be a pretty hard task and will need some extra tris to keep all the details hope everything will work well !!
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i agree with Dii though, it would probably look better if chin was placed like on that paintover.
so ive changed the msk and tried this, its on the chin now and is opened the eye area. tell me what you think about it.
im also thinking about adding this weapon in his hand:
Things that i still need to work on:
-All the face area ( need to get a good design first)
-Wrist aand chest plate
-Pants +++
-New chain weapon
- And any crits that i have
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Care to share your process for the detailing on some of those parts?
Again, looking great
mainly for the details, i Used Dragged Alphas Combined with Layers+Morph targets
The bigger damages like one the botom of the shirt are sculptig with clay buildup.
thanks again!
Looking great so far, love what you did with the belts. I think the details are a bit imbalanced between the cloth and the metal pieces though and the metal could use more wear. Scratches n dents and the like. Have to say I'm not a huge fan of the rivets in the plates but your call.
The kusarigama would probably be a sweet addition.
No seriously... excellent.
The only thing I could say is : what's this poor rope on the belt ? I mean, the guys is full of designed stuff and he uses a rope for the belt ? ^^ Or maybe it's an ex-hobo and he really likes this rope ?
so first i brought back to full face mask
-Added armor damage
-added the new weapon ( the chain is maybe a little bit to big but ill fix it in the lowpoly)
-detailed the pants
and i decided also to the hobo rope hahahaha!
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tell me what you guys think, im still able to change a couple of thing before maknig it to low poly
Also bought a new domain because my website adress was way too long
new adress : hahah
I'd be very grateful if you could explain me how you obtain so cool and detailed sufaces, what tecnique and alpha (if any) you've used. I've highlighed the areas i'm really interested in, in the screenshot below.
Also, when i do a character i struggle quite a bit when i've many overlapping elements, like clothes going on top of other cloths, or strings, and so do you manage all those elements i see in your character?
@ motenai
FOr manging all the diferent overlapping pieces i dont have any particular tricks, i just try to mak sure that my proportions are alright (wich i always end up reworking
For the surface details Basicly its a combinasion of :
- Alphas
- Layer
- Morph Target
- and a bit of sculpting
lets say i start with the orange part on the vest.
i first start a new layer and a morph target.
then i drag alphas of leather very rougly all over the places where i want them.
after that i just controle the intensity with the layers and use the morph brush for where i want it more or less.
At the end i think the key is really to experiment with different alphas and Combination and to have good references
Also all the alphas i used are in the download center of pixologic.
FOr the belly part i used Weave in the noise maker then sculpted with damn stadard + damage pass.
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hope this can help a little bit
and thanks again!
all slightly modified to my taste mainly in the spec/difuse
Thank you very much, you tought me a new thing of two there
I owe you a favor
Much appreciated!