Hi guys! so i did this lowpoly character that is 900Tris and 1k maps for an art test that i am still waiting the the final answer.
i had 6 days to do it so i splited this like this:
- 3 days modeling
- 1 day retopo,baking and finaly
- 2 days texturing
i want to know what you guys think about it

Some smaller things: I would have cut some triangles from the boots. And used maybe a dozen or so tris in total to smooth out the top of the backpack and rear of the coat. And two triangles to make the profile of the nose less pointy. And then two or four more to smooth out the collar some.
All in all not a bad effort, though, given the time constraints.
It would be interesting to see how you packed the UV's, to get so much detail out of 1k
I agree w/ pretty much all of Snaders comments, he seems to have pointed out the same stuff I noticed. Mostly just some poor choices on yer poly distribution.
Also with the Uvs , Should have splited the face... i will know for the next time!
Im still on hold, i guess they are waiting for more submissions.
The nose is so funny
Took 7 days after I sent my art test to get an answer, pretty fast,
Please tell us about the result!
actually they answered me and told me that i was on the Hold, so thats not a yes or no for now
lets wait and see!
There's a lot of deviation from your HP sculpt. The sleeves balloon out around the gloves on the LP and there's a lot of silhouette lost especially around the legs.
On the HP your clip pouches are tightly packed (or at least it looks it from the angle). If you bunched them together tighter on your LP you could get rid of a bunch of polys and describe those 'gaps' on your texture rather than mesh.
I'd like to see more weight about the knee (on the LP you could break the hard straight lines of the silhouette). The folds are a little too regular and could do with some definition, hard edges etc on the HP sculpt - there's also a lot of normal map info lost in your bake. Either try boosting your normal map in the weak areas or exaggerate the upper body detail of your sculpt. The knee pads look too flat to me.
Hope this helps! Good luck on your application. Let us know
and i agree with you guys! i dont have a clue on how to delete my thread so ill just remove the images!
Have a good one!
Also, most studios giving the test have so many to look over that they simply don't have the time or man power to send back detailed critiques to every applicant. Requesting feedback on sites like these is basically the only way to get critiqued.
I see nothing wrong with posting an art test as long as you didn't sign an NDA and posted the test after you submitted it to the studio.
And if it makes any difference, I work at a studio and 'grade' art tests all the time.