Hi everyone
Nice to meet you all. I recently joined polycount and this is my first posting on the forum. Hope to see and contribute great 3D Models!
I've been working on a character model based on Diablo 3 which I would like to get some critique on. I'm basically looking to see if anyone can spot deficiencies/things in my model that might get my work rejected from the 3D Still gallery:
Here is the main still image:

Here are the various camera shots and wireframe images to show the breakdown:

Followed by the high poly model:

And finally the texture maps:

Software used included 3DS Max, ZBrush and Photoshop for final composites. Any critiques would be appreciated, especially things that I can improve on this model. Thanks in advance!
You've wasted quite a few quads on the face and beard, which could be used elsewhere
Your presentation is excellent though, your artwork is easy to read.
Thanks for the crit! I actually did have a specular color map, but didn't include because of space. This is what I had for color:
But you're definitely right about wasting the quads on the face. I'm going to try and trim them down like you said.
Thanks again!