Hey guys,
I was just wondering when you are making something in maya or max is it allowable to delete faces that wont be seen by the player like side of walls, undersides etc. Or should they always be filled in?
The attachment shows what i mean
Thanks guys!
He means the collision primitives that you create for the mesh have to be closed. The mesh itself doesn't UNLESS you're colliding directly with the mesh itself. In that case, logically, no polygon means no collision.
Having open faces is usually bad for one reason - shadow casting. Lights behind the mesh will shine through it in weird ways since there's nothing to block them. You can get around this by telling meshes to cast lighting as if their polygons were 2 sided but that can be flaky at times.
If you know the player will never see those polys in the back, you can UV them to a tiny corner of the diffuse/lightmap and they won't really cost you anything in terms of texture res or lighting. They'll just be there to allow for proper shadow casting.