Hi. So, I just installed 3ds max 2013 (used 2009 version before). Everything is perfect but there's a problem with how textures look in viewport. Here's the screenshot:
I checked both "Match bitmaps as closely as possible" in settings. What am I doing wrong? :poly117:
Edit: Never mind, I just tried it with DX and found out that it totally works.
macroScript Macro1
NitrousGraphicsManager.SetTextureSizeLimit 4096 true
Than reload your scene that will be just nice !
I also tried Cathodeus's script and it didn't change something.
It works! Actually I do remember that I used non x2 textures before with no problem, may be it's a new max version issue? Well, thanks anyway.
I cant change the settings when its set to Nitrous. It displays that its installed, but shows Nitrous (Direct 3D 9.0 - Nvidia GeForce GTX 460 SE) and the configuration button is locked. and although I have DirectX 11 installed, I cant get it to use it.
So I selected Direct 3D and that works. I was able to change the configuration. I set the background texture size to 1024, ticked "match bitmap size as closely as possible" ok'd and exited. But when I reopen Max, the settings have gone back to the unticked position!
The reference pic is still blurred and I'm at a loss on what to do next.
As a side note, to see high res textures with Nitrous choose Realistic Materials with Maps from the viewport shading drop down menu.
The reference images are still blurry though when I set the driver to Direct 3D, Nitrous is still not working for me (the images appear blurred and skewed for some reason when I use Nitrous.) Why doesn't Max make use of DirectX11 and uses DirectX9?
I'm practicing with building a car first so that I can learn to make robot models, which is actually why I'm learning Max
Could it be something to do with my hardware? I'm running Windows 7 64 bit Ultimate Edition on a 2.8 GHZ Core i5 - 2300 processor, I have 8 GB of ram and a EVGA 460GTX SE 1 GB VGA. I hope my VGA is enough and not the cause for this...
I guess they let 3dsmax run with dx9 because switching to dx11 would mean a lot of work, because you would have to change from forward rendering to a complete deferred rendering pipeline, which would mean that everything you do needs a shader and that would mean that the offline renderer has to be able to work with this shaders too-> more work to do. The Viewport Renderer is more like a convenience, people not involved with gaming don´t "need" shaders and it´s easier to stick with what they already have since the offline renderer is not realtime.(Why use shaders if the end result will be rendered on the cpu?)
A new window appears, click "Bitmap Performance and Memory" > "Global Settings..." and Disable the Proxy System, click "OK, Generate Proxies Later" and restart Max.
That might fix it.
I'm basically learning Max to help me design 3D models I can print in 3D
That was more like a rhetoric question. To make my answer shorter:
- dx9 to dx11 needs a lot of work
---> Viewport Renderer needs to be updated and everything in it needs a shader, otherwise it won´t work( dx11 doesn´t have a forward rendering pipeline anymore) and that´s a lot of work for both devs and for the users(except if there is something like 3PointShader built in)
---> Offline Renderer(The thing which renders when you hit Render) would need an update if you want to work with the same material for both viewport and offline renderer(you guessed it, a lot of work)
And the offline Renderer doesn´t know a shit about shaders, because it uses your CPU to render out things and not your GPU.
Oh, now I get it, thanks SpeCter thank you for explaining this to me.
I'm guessing you already had a drag and drop script defined and Cathodeus' script is causing a conflict.
And yes I used Space Frog's script and then drag and dropped Cathodeus' script into the editor. Is there a way to remove Cathodeus' script? Like run it in reverse. The error only came up once and then didn't come back... Max is running fine now but its quite a bit slower than it used to be and I have a lot of powerful hardware (i7 4930K 3.5ghz, 24gb ram and GTX 780) so it shouldn't be this slow.