AKA I-ninja learns how to use z-brush
Rule 4:All entries MUST have (Required) a work-in-progress thread in any online 3d community forum. Feel free to start your thread on this forum and post the
link to it in this thread!
So I come here
1.So I can try the win the contest
2.To earn some polycount Street-cred
3.To learn some z-brush with your help
4.Get back to my Sailor moon model
Being most likely the youngest guy here and had no real training, i'm a loooooog shot, but hey i'm a lucky guy.
So lets start this thing
1)Work it out
So i'm going to make an female assassin, having the name ninja the only chose i had was male or female.
A quick drawing of her:
2)Drop that base
And now it's time to drop drop drop dat base mesh:

I don't know what it is but my base mesh seems off.
About Z tutorials, internet is full of them, specially in Youtube. Are you looking for something specific?
Coloring is just drag and drop placeholders
I am not "HAZ" good as I want to be but for my first time using Z-brush I say i'm doing good so far. I got a long way to go, but for now it's time to add detail and boots.