I've been doing a lot of quick sketches, pieces and parts of people, nothing really to show off as of late, but recently I decided to try a likeness. I was on a huge X-Files kick and decided to go for William B. Davis as the Smoking Man, the end goal being to capture that sinisterness and mysteriousness he brings to the show with his character. Similar to the G-Man in the Half-Life games. I know that's mostly going to come from expression and lighting which I haven't got to yet, but for right now I'm focusing on likeness.
I haven't decided how I'm going to complete the hair, if I should model it old-school style like I have or use ZBrush's new Fiber brush. I'll probably do both and see which looks better.
Any critiques on getting him to look more like the reference? Thanks in advance,

Other than that it looks great!
Great work, will be keeping an eye on this.
Nah not really, everything else is looking good so far. Dont forget the vein/s where his temple is. There are a couple places where it's a bit bubbly like you mentioned but you'll notice it more while you model and you'll fix them yourself. Keep it up!