Hi guys I've been blown away by the quality of the work here so I thought I'd finally sit down this week and try to do some of my own! I make low-poly stuff at work so for the last five days I've been learning Zbrush, with the aim of getting a game-ready character.
I decided to work on an old concept I did for the Fighting Game redesign competition from last year. I did the concepts, I just never got around to actually learning Zbrush to make it:P

Here's the thread I made for the competition, but I'll briefly summarise it here to set the scene of the character:
" I always wished Charlie was in SF4 as he looks pretty cool. He's so similar to Guile though he's just crying out for a redesign.
My current thoughts are to adapt him in to a kid or much younger fighter; a bit like Sakura. I think his general look should fit well with this.
I'm thinking armbands, lunchbox, backpack, dorky specs but still some attitude."
My idea is basically to make him Guile's number one fan, he really wants to grow up to be him. I'm trying to keep the key elements to Charlie in my model though, so he has the blonde quiff, the glasses, the green jeans and the yellow vest jacket.
Here's a couple of screens so far, hopefully more to come soon. It's been a huge learning curve this week but I'm really enjoying it! Any and all crit is appreciated.
Currently working on the bag so it's still very rough

You seem to be rushing this, and you're new to Zbrush? Take your time.
lol @ mullet.