I have a problem with a single motionbuilder problem that is bothering me from time to time. I spent days on google to find out about this problem, maybe its something easy you guys know.
How I use motionbuilder is to, assign the bones and build the skeleton. Load a animation control rig. Plot to skeleton and I am done, this always works.
But there's a model in my collection and I dont have it in tpose. Its in his idle position and he basically only runs forward en sidewards. I just assign the bones to the skeleton with some warnings because its not symmetric. But the skeleton is built and I create a new control rig.
The control rig follows the skeleton perfectly. So I bake it and export the animation to fbx. The problem is, everytime I try to load this exported control rig onto a perfectly characterized model, only the foot and hips move and upper body part is in T-pose. But the control rig is still moving perfectly.
I tried everything but I just cant make it to follow the control rig completely. Do you guys know what is wrong here? Must be something simple, I am still very green with motionbuilder, only plotting animations and some retargeting.
edit: the characterized model loads other animations fine, so it must be the exported control rig.