Hey Polycount,
Thought I'd get you lot to sling some good old fashioned C&C at me on my new character.
It started as all good things do as a joke that got out of control. My other half asked me to make her a model of one of our ferrets, and I accepted the challenge, but added a bit of a twist

Also, been playing too much D3. So... he's a monk... yeh.

Bare in mind that the clothing/armor is all still in the blocking in stage, so I'm aware it looks a bit noddy atm!
I shall keep this updated when progress is made

But yeh, would be wicked if you could let me know what seems unferrety about the face! I figured a lot of the ferret would come from the uniques sable markings, but if it not reading as a ferret without the markings I must not have it nailed.
i just feel you need to make him more "sleek". not just the head but the body too. i totally understand the anthropomorphic style you're after, but you're not capturing the aspects of the animal here.
remember what ferrets are, and what they do.
they're tunnelers
they're flexible
they can fit into any hole big enough for their head (regardless of the rest of their body)
they're loooong! (really push that silouhette, make his body really long)
they're sleek, fit, fast predators, they kill through stealth, accuracy and speed over strength.
they're flat footed! try to work that into the hands somehow... hands are a massive part of character readability/believability, get them right!
They also don't like to let go.
hold them (gently) by the scruff of their neck (the loose skin). be a little patient, their reaction to that is to yawn, it's a sign of submission.
I plan on making the feet more anatomically ferrety than the hands, but Im going to try adding pads, claws and webbing to his hands and see how it looks.
@Katana, Yeh, it hurts, I developed a resistance to it during the past few years while nip training ours, none of them bite at all now as I spent a lot of time training them not to, funnily enough by getting bitten repeatedly and telling them off for it repeatedly. Hands looked like I'd been in a fight with a stapler and lost for a good few weeks! lol.
on a side note, this is the guy that this character is based (losely) on
C&C welcome as always!