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Cerulean Entertainment looking to fill positions. May lead to paid position.

What Is Project Earth?

Project Earth is an upcoming FPS that takes place in the near-future of North America, during an invasion of hostile aliens, who use their technology combined with their inhuman intellect to bend lifeforms to their will, manipulating the very building blocks of life in order to bring forth unnatural horrors that do battle in their behalf. Their biotechnology warps the natural flora and fauna of the planet, remaking it to their image.

You will take on the role of a soldier while he is forced to make use of every last technique and trick he has learned to survive not only against the alien monsters, but also against our inner monsters that come out in moments of crisis, lost inhabitants of a world gone mad, and his own fraying nerves, which will make him question if the people he is trying to save are even worth fighting for.

As the story progresses, the player will learn more about the enemies´s nature and their dark purpose. It will weave fact and fantasy, using a backdrop of known places and U.F.O Sightings, to create a blend of realism and science-fiction to present the player with a fantastic but coherent setting, which will be reflected in its mix of realistic, and futuristic weapons.

It will take a page of the “old school” book of level design to avoid railroading the player by allowing for exploration and more strategies than one to complete a given mission, as well as environmental storytelling.

Additional Information: Project earth is being created with CryEngine 3. It will be released to PC, Xbox 360, and PS3. All positions at this time are unpaid, however we may offer individuals the chance to join our company full time with pay.

Open Positions

We are currently looking to fill the following positions:

3D Modeler - We need dedicated individuals to help us build our many assets. Our existing modelers have risen admirably to the challenge, however we need more to ensure we can make our deadlines, and so each modeler can concentrate on a given area.

Texture Artist - Our modelers have been pulling double duty working as texture artists as well. Since this is a fairly ambitious project that will undoubtedly require a great many assets, we need dedicated texture artists to help make our assets aesthetically pleasing, so that our modelers can concentrate solely on creating more assets.

C++ & LUA Coders - Basically, we need code to bring many of the features (such as attachments, game modes, etc.) we plan to implement to realization, as well as to handle more advanced character behaviors, such as reacting to the player's presence, sneaking around, seeking cover when under fire, and throwing smoke grenades to cover their tracks.

Level Designer - We need level designers to create the environments through which the player will navigate, as well as the mission objectives the player will need to achieve to advance through the game. Flowgraphing experience is a plus, but is not required.

Music and Sound Designer - We need people who can create all the different music & sounds that the player will hear in the game.
Application Instructions

GUI Artist - We need someone who is able to use Scaleform and flash to create engaging and functional HUDS,s on screen text and menus.

The application process is simple and straightforward. Simply sign up to our forums at the link below, and create a short thread in the Recruiting section telling us a brief biography about yourself, the position for which you would like to apply, your E-Mail address, your Skype username (Skype is the official instant messaging tool for our company), and links to any previous work you have done (if you have any.) Your application will be reviewed me and the supervisor of your chosen department, and you will be informed of our decision via the forums and/or E-Mail.

IMPORTANT: By accepting access to the private section of our forums, you agree to be bound by the Non-Disclosure Agreement. Please take the time to read through the Non-Disclosure Agreement completely, as any violation of the NDA will be considered grounds for IMMEDIATE dismissal!

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