I've been working on this for the past couple of days. Pretty happy with it, I'm going to start texturing it tomarow unless you guys have anything I should change with it.

Heres the high poly, just without added little details

the baked out low poly. Just normals no AO in this screenie.
anythings welcome
I think that this is gonna be the final, unless of course I get some crits that tell me otherwise.
The final lowpoly is 2,261 triangles, and it has a diffuse, normal and specular, each 2048 by 2048.
Right now I'm just trying to get the base materials right with solid colors, comments on the previous texture are still welcome
Now just posting my progress on the reciever texture. I decided to study up this time and discovered there are multiple variants for this weapon. So I picked the wingmaster, which is a very shiny and clean blued steel. The metal has proven to be very difficult because its just harder to make clean things look cool. Still just a wip, Most of all of this is on the gloss with a little help from the spec, the diffuse isn't doing anything at the moment, not really sure how to use it on this one.
On first glance I think it needs to be a tad bluer on the diffuse, and I have to sharpen the edges up. Again, I'm open to any comments
alright so heres the second texture, I think this is a better attempt.