Started a quick sculpt thinking I was going to make a Superman but said it looked more like the Hulk...... Some dude at work said mash them together (:poly127: Why didn't I think of that? :poly127:)
anyway SuperHulk
EDIT.... Straight up Superman.
Going to call these guys done.

Thanks everyone. see you all soon.
I'ma Keeping a watch on this!
I quite like the proportions, I would play with them a bit but I am in a little too deep now to go playing with that sort of stuff
Started texturing.
got some pretty serious aliasing going on in the logos. Are they placeholder?
@ woogity : Yeah it is a bit poo, but I think the texture rez and un filtered screenshots make it look worse. I may need to play,,,,maybe reduce the contrast.
@ ScudzAlmighty : hahaha nah the Hulk just gets away from me every time. Better position for the cape logo?
@ jramauri : thanks
@ praetor187 : :thumbup:
@ Stromberg90 : Thanks. Yeah one day maybe I will get SuperHulk out... maybe
Still texturing. I need to start on the cape.
Thanks again everyone.
can we expect top see a saving a kitten in tree pedestal in his future?
@ ScudzAlmighty : hahah kitten could be cool... I was thinking more like Superman vs Bizarro Superman.
@ Jessica Dinh : Thanks, maybe I pushed them a little too far.... but then again maybe I didn't push them too far enough
Slow going. almost done, gonna do some quick hair stuff then skin, pose and perhaps work on a Bizarro texture swap.
Thanks again everyone.
Made some hair stuffs and started a Bizarro texture flip.
@ ScudzAlmighty : hahaha I am happy you said that. I think that part where he is in the bar getting pissed flicking those peanuts THROUGH the wall is my favourite part of all those films.
I hope I didn't break that vibe too much with the leprosy.
OK.. going to call the mesh and textures done because I am sick of looking at them... Now I am going to try and pose these two.. wish me luck.
Thanks again guys.
Thanks everyone. see you all soon.