CRITICS ARE REALLY WELCOME! (and needed) Thanks in advance

Hello everyone, I am kinda new here i just posted once before to ask for advices which was really helpful, but I just noticed the sketch book so I'm going to try post my work here instead. Thanks in advance and please let me know if I'm doing it wrong!
Everyone level is so high and there are such amazing work here so again all Critics/comments are really welcome as my current level isn't great, thank you again.
This is my latest personal project I did in my free time at work for training, it's my first Normal map model, I wanted to leave it as it was but i went further and textured it, added rig and blendshapes

Here is a little animation, sorry it's not really good but it's showing some of the blendshapes (click it to access the video, sorry i dunno how to post videos yet)

finally a screenshot of the model wireframe and UV (5.5k triangles counting the hairs). I thinck it is a bit messy at some spots, mostly face, I had a hard time with retopology, it was my first time as well.

My skill level is not high enough that I can really do a critique on your work, but i do want to say that i think your mesh looks great, super clean, and the hair has a nice shine to it. I am learning basic rigging right now, your short animation looks good to me ^_^
Hey, thanks for taking time to comment on my work, it's ok you are free to say what you thinck is wrong, i thinck it doesn't matter whatever your level is, sometimes when we work on our project for too long we start to miss little mistakes that make all the difference in the end, that's why having feedback from every kind of people is good in my opinion, I even ask people who aren't necessarly in arts or 3d to comment because they are usually the first to notice the biggest mistakes.
I wish you good luck with your rigging and I hope to see more from you
More anime type character, it is quite generic and cliche but it was fast and relaxing to do, hand got proportion problem I thinck and there are maybe some other drawing mistakes.
This is the model of Shirota Yuu a half Japanese/Spanish singer and actor, he actually has a pretty symetrical face, I used these references to work my model. I'll try to learn about hair systems and see how it goes.
I need to work anatomy, I really don't know much about muscles in the human body and it is still abstract to me so I decided to try making a guide for me using several references I could find. I could definitly use help and critics. Thanks!
Anyway i started to work on my Shirota model again, I've been experiencing a bit with the SSS material, it's not that good yet I have to do more tweaking.
Like usual critics/comments are welcome.
I also find working on faces and anatomy in Zbrush much more natural feeling. If you cant get access to Zbrush I believe Sculptris is a free sculpting program.
Swizzle posted some reference awhile ago:
Dont forget to grab the download as well, plenty of helpful images.
I actually do have access to Zbrush at work but I'm still pretty bad at it and I'm a slow learner, I need a lot of practice just to get the shape right
Zbrush or sculptris are great tools though I really want to master them someday!
I checked your blog by the way, great work there! I'm still far to achieve that level of details, I hope to see more from you soon!
Like always Critics are welcome!
I had to do about 10 character sheets + vector portraits for Damage Report board game (Damage Report KickStarter Link).
Here some sample:
Some random concept art training!
Hopefully can find more time to keep working on some personal projects
I wanted to learn a bit about anatomy and train my modeling skills at same time. The wireframe is probably not that functional animation-wise.
Critics are welcome!
Model has 3.3k triangles (without toon lines)and just diffuse at the moment:
A quick render !
And a quick little turntable
first a quick update on the Flash model i did, put it in Unity and played with AR a bit, was fun!
Started a model of IronMan armor to relax a bit, not really putting myself any deadlines I just wanted to do some hard surface modeling for training and to take a little break:
second is an illustration I did for a friend
finally this is a concept I'm working on, when it is finished I'll try to model it and play a bit with it in Unity, mostly got inspired by Exteel artworks
Thank you I really appreciate
I keep training with Zbrush but I'm still learning the tool slowly, this time tried dynamesh sculpting. Can't find a way to push the detail much yet, need practice
And a little random sketch
Critics and Comments and always welcome of course!
A quick drawing on paper this time!
A little update on my Iron Man model with a little gif for the fun! Simple car material and glow in Maya
Next some training on zbrush again, trying to work the torso for a change but I have a hard time getting it right, worked from a dynamesh sphere
Like usual critics are really appreciated, thanks for your time!
Thank you very much I really appreciate
Some quick sketch/coloring training during lunch
Critics are welcomed as always!
First a kind of skeletton head that could be part of a staff or wand, can see it with fire in its eyes of something
Then anatomy training, still have a lot of mistakes I think, planning to work this piece a bit more so critics are really welcome, thanks!
I'm no expert and I still make mistakes in anatomy myself but I will point out something I noticed. The post above seems to have no real eyelid definition. It's a great start on the face, but I think the eyebrows and eyelids need to be defined a bit more. And by that I mean, there needs to be two folds, one quite prominent on the top and one almost invisible on the bottom, and the lids should wrap around the eyes a bit more. Sorry, I'm not the best at giving crits.
Just google "female eye" or just "eye" and you'll probably see what I mean. Also I think the eyebrows should come out a little bit more. Right now they seem a tad flat.
I shan't say anything else as it looks to be in early stages and I don't want to bombard you with crits about this, that and the other. Still, keep it up. I look forward to seeing more of your work.
Even on a young person, pores are stretched in the direction of wrinkle lines.
Mask_Salesman did a good tut on it:
@cgartland Thanks for pointing that out, that tutorial is really nice I'm going to try fix the skin!
Any critics are welcome like usual thanks!
And to finish some quick sketches for a friend contest designing creatures, exploring some ideas
Rendered with Element3D in After Effect, my first time trying Element3D, so far I love it, it is pretty user friendly.
Let's start with a quick sketch of a spaceship, mechanical and transportation isn't really my cup of tea, so a concept to train myself!
Some little fix on my first character on zbrush, fixed the eyes size, the pose to balance the body and a few other things... Started sculpting the clothes but didn't get that far yet.
I started some package for unity3D for fun, trying to create my own sprites too, maybe i'll release this for free when i have enough effects to share, I'll make videos later for better preview but for now just pictures sorry!
hope you like and as usual Critics are welcome!
Some random speed sketch to start:
This is a project that a colleague has, some kind of watch, I did some designs and tried rendering one in various color:
And a little update on my first real sculpt on zbrush, I'm really slow with it but I plan to finish it!
Like usual critics/suggestions are welcome, thank you in advance!
Next step is adding a weapon and posing.
Little close up on the chest:
And Overall view:
Critics are welcome as usual, thank you.
I learnt quite a few things through this project by making tons of mistakes :poly122:.
I'll call it done and move on to something else!
Critics are welcome!
a quick Bake test of the head and some test on the eyes
Made the iris in photoshop based on Suren Manvelyan awesome macro pictures, feel free to use it if you can find this usefull
and finally some animation test for some game character that wasn't used so posting it here
Like usual critics are welcome.
I cut the model in 5 different pieces (head/Chest/Arms/Legs/Feet), next step is textures, blendshapes, rigging!
As usual critics are very welcome!
I'd say, your character's face is a bit too perfect (no wrinkles). Also the lips aren't really in a relaxed pose. But since you've already brought it this far..
For the hair I would try and bring in some variation. Then again I'm not really familiar with how you make hair xD haha. It just looks a little bit too grainy right now. maybe adding some color hue changes could make it more interesting as well ^^
Overall I really like your sketches they have some great dynamic to them!
Keep it up
Hi Sweetangel10467, thank you very much for taking the time to comment and advice on my sketchbook!
I might go work on an other normal bake later for the head or figure out how to fix it directly in the texture, thanks for pointing that out!
I tried to fix the lips and I'm using maya hair. I am still working on the hairs, I will follow your advice and try to give more variations with the colors although for now I can't seem to figure out very well how this work :poly136:
Any critics are welcome like usual
Critics are welcome as usual.
A few points I'd like to make here are the color of her face and the body. It's really different from each other right now. Are you still going to add more redness to the body?
Also, the proportions from the head compared to the arms is really weird.
Maybe making the neck shorter and the head smaller could help.
Keep it up
My camera FoV is a bit weird too, I didn't change it yet, but I think you are right the neck seems a bit long after a second thought :poly136:, I'll definitely check it out!
Thanks again for your comments, it helps a lot
Hair on the back need a bit more thickness.
My next step is to go back on the model, merge it for the final one, probably check the topology one last time and fix it, then start the blendshapes!
As usual critics are welcome.
When it's more stylized, it's harder to get them to look weird
I went for Vector art this time, it was a good training.
Did this based on the awesome HUD designs by Jayse Hansen (
Some text/graphics I couldn't really read or reproduce easily so I kind of replaced by what seemed to make sense :poly136:
If anyone is interested by the vector file for some personal work just let me know I'll be glad to send the original illustrator file (CS6) with all separate layers.
Worked on my demo reel lately:
Satrayana ELDIN DE PECOULAS - 2014 Demo Reel from Satrayana ELDIN DE PECOULAS on Vimeo.
My quest to learn zbrush continues as I struggle to refine my skills in both sculpting and anatomy.First time I model everything in zbrush with zsphere for basemesh.
Critics are welcome! thank you.
Latest work done at my company lab:
This demo was done using Vuforia virtual buttons and cyllinder target.
Been working my hard surface modeling skills on the mk39 gemini helmet from Iron Man then 3D printed this (5cm)
This was way harder than I thought, I compared two different game models and the action figure as a reference and I feel some parts aren't looking the same.
The model is done in Maya, the honeycomb patterns are done in zbrush with the awesome noise maker, first time I used it.
The model is cut into different pieces so they could be 3D printed separately and assembled in the future.
Hope you like, critics and comments are welcome.
Sorry for the bad quality of the picture