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[WIP] ANET Female Norn - Chellyn



Hey All
I'm new to the community, and wanted to get some feedback for this project I'm working on. Love crit, it's great.

I started working on the ANet art test for the female norn.

Ref image here: http://www.arena.net/blog/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/Hyojin-Sample-A.jpg

I've done some preliminary design work for the back of the outfit to help make the design interesting since in-game you'd only be seeing the back, but this is what I have so far.


thanks guys.


  • Torch
    Offline / Send Message
    Torch polycounter
    Yo dude its cool, although there's something weird about the head around the forehead/brow area, also right now she doesn't seem very feminine. Costume wise looks like its really coming along, looking forward to seeing more :)
  • chellyn
    Thanks, I'll be posting an update soon.
  • Maio
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    Maio polycounter lvl 11
    Ive done a paintover for some potential changes..

    tough head isnt it!! its not human thats for sure and maybe some of the weirdness Torch mentions comes from trying to be true to the concept

    ill write up some notes on this in my lunch break :)

    feel free to discard or use as u see fit

  • Maio
    Offline / Send Message
    Maio polycounter lvl 11
    ok i hope you maybe agree with some of these observations :)


    1: eye shape could be more tilted
    2 : lips, add more of a downward "bow" shape to match concept, currently they curl up.
    3: cranium seems a bit bulbous
    4: jaw is very smooth, consider adding angle changes in jaw and chin to add more structure and streth to what is essentially a warrior
    5: eye socket is narrow, continous line, consider the skull underneith. Also the edge is very creased.
    6: fat pads missing from under the brow.
    7: nose is unique feature of the concept, work on making it match (maybe wider and longer...)
    8 : ive moved the fur clothing up to the clavicles, reduced the height at the back to improve silhouette and show the beauty of the jaw/neck.

    only meant to do a quick paintover but got a bit carried away haha, anyway hoep its of some use :D

    Good luck!
  • chellyn
    Thanks for the advice guys.

    So far I've been bringing everything up to the same level so finessing can come last. I've skipped making the changes to the head until I have the rest done, and I'll be tackling that next.

    For now, boots:

  • dwgagner
    Offline / Send Message
    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Really digging what you did with the back and definitely the most feminine looking one I've seen on here so far. Good job, keep it up.
  • chellyn

    Finessing with the sculpting. Next is to finish a couple things I've been putting off, like cloning around the diamonds and getting some nitty-gritty things out of the way.

  • chellyn
    Doing some planning before I head to bed. Planning on finishing sculpting tomorrow and moving onto re-topologizing this sucker.

    Rough Topology Map:


    Quick Color Scheme Paintover and UV Planning done in Photoshop before I waste time texturing, ha...

  • Kathle7
  • Stoop_Kid
    This looks sweet! It's cool to see the way you're preparing to retopo/texture her. It gives me a lot of cool ideas. Thanks! And keep it up! :D
  • ablaine
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    ablaine polycounter lvl 14
    Love the paintover you did. Can't wait to see how it turns out!
  • chellyn

    Retopologized and moved on to AO and Posing. I've got some pose adjustments to do still to make sure things aren't covering each other (IE: leg on the left pose) or clipping through (skirt in the back). Also need to spend some time adjusting the rhythm and such so it's pleasing. Man are those fur things awkward.

    I'm pushing 6420 tris right now. Got a long way to go still. >sigh<

  • chellyn
    Got started on texturing this evening -- haven't gotten too far but I wanted to keep the thread up-to-date :)

    Maio: Thanks again for the crit. I made some changes based off your suggestions, although I kept the eyebrows a bit less dramatic and decided to not turn down the lips as much. Just realized I forgot to change the fur. Damn. But anyway, thanks again.

  • AimBiZ
    Offline / Send Message
    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Looks promising. Is the fur at the hip bright in the concept? Should be darker anyway, melts in with the skin right now.
  • Aga22
    Offline / Send Message
    Aga22 polycounter lvl 12
    love it! the face, the colors , the pose. very nice!
  • PaulP
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    PaulP polycounter lvl 9
    Looking good so far, really like the idea for the pose! The wolf fur on the shoulders is looking a bit more feathery than furry atm because of the alphas, could maybe add some more planes, or just keep it as a 3D object if you can afford the tris.
  • chellyn
    AimBiZ: Thanks. Yeah the fur is darker in the concept. I haven't started working on the lower section yet and plan on tackling that today. I agree that it is blending in with the skin, I'll be darkening it this afternoon, right now it's just a color shifted AO.

    SCB: Thanks for the feedback. I'll be doing another pass at the shoulder when I get to it. I do agree that it does look feathery.

    Aga22: Thanks!
  • iamxero
    this is great. How long have you been doing 3d modelling for? I'm new to it, and I definitely need more practice. What are you using for retopology?
  • chellyn
    iamxero: Thanks. I've been modeling for a few years, for retopology I'm using ZBrush since I didn't want to struggle with picking up a new program (topogun) while working on this.
  • Rav3
    Offline / Send Message
    Rav3 interpolator
    Damn! Chellyn you are doing this model like it should look like! Awesome job, well done, keep it up! :)
  • chellyn
    Coming to a close on my first texture pass. Still have a lot to do with the metal/skin/acc.

    Here's a preview:


    Some areas need to be flat-out redone like the basket weave on the metal, and I plan on revisiting the alpha placement for the boots so the doohickies are centered. I also need to do the skin as I haven't worked on it at all yet other than the photodrop I did while polypainting for my base values so I'll be working on that as well. Wolf heads will be color shifted and I have some extra happy fun time with refinements.

    I also plan on revisiting the fur on the boots and the squares on the pants ... pretty much everything, haha ..

    But for now ... here it is!
  • chellyn
    Update again:

    Anything marked with green is pending / getting redone / starting over
    But pretty much everything will be getting touched up anyway tonight/tomorrow.

  • chellyn
    Okay. Update again! Full first texture pass is complete (mostly), going back for touchups / color shifts, and going to start refinining my alpha/spec and finally add my normals.

    Still need to finish the hair diffuse, but that's next on my list.


  • Stoop_Kid
    Wow. Just wow. This is becoming absurdly good. Can't wait to see it finished! :D
  • chellyn
    Stoop_Kid: Thanks, it's been a lot of work, but the learning was worth it.

    Finishing things up today, if I don't have it rendered tonight, I'll be finishing it up by Monday. Updates pending ...
  • AimBiZ
    Offline / Send Message
    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    The skin as way too warm and orange, takes away from the northern theme. Take a look at the concept, I think you should go for that palette or similar, it's overall cooler but still lively and dramatic, probably cause there's actually some warmth going on like that purple areas but you get my point.
  • chellyn
    AimBiZ: I see what you mean and I definitely agree. I think at this point, it's mostly the lighting that's making it look a bit too orange. There's an orange omni light I dropped right next to her face for this screen shot. The textures are actually pretty desaturated (I posted an image below) although I didn't want the colors to drown out all the way. I did end up turning down the saturation of the lights yesterday afternoon when I took it into Marmoset and it looks better now. Definitely a lot cooler. I'll take another look at my texture sheet today and see if there is anything further I can do with hue shifts there, although I think the lighting mostly solved it.

    Ah, lights ......


    I'll be posting my update on Monday.
  • Torch
    Offline / Send Message
    Torch polycounter
    Say whaaaaaaaat :O Damn man this has really come on, great results you got :) Keep going!
  • chellyn
    Update: Done!

    It's been a process but it's been worth it, definitely learned a lot, and a big thank you to everyone who gave me critique along the way ...

  • dwgagner
    Offline / Send Message
    dwgagner polycounter lvl 7
    Good job :), looks great.
  • AimBiZ
    Offline / Send Message
    AimBiZ polycounter lvl 14
    Looking pretty good but you got to fix that skinning issue on the elbow. That stood out to me instantly and brings the whole piece down.
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