Hi guys!
I'm wondering how I can use a mesh or a part of it to cut other mesh,like the insert tool in zsub mode?
I've seen something like that in the pixolator's new video: he copy the entire mesh and use it to cut shapes into the wings of the character.
thanks a lot
this is the video [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7jCzfhKbhg"]Time for Art #4 - YouTube[/ame] (by pixolator)
please see at min 1:20 to 1:23...
he use the transpose but the problems are two for me:
-how to cut the mesh in that way;
-how can I return to draw mode to the original mesh after I'have used transpose to the second one?
It's not a new subtool, so there's no need to switch back.
The video was made prior to the release of R2, and highlights new features of R2. In this case, aside from Dynamesh, it's showing off one of the new enhancements to Transpose: Duplication.
As long as the mesh has no subdivision levels (like this dynamesh doesn't), then holding Ctrl and dragging on the middle white transpose circle will duplicate the geo, masking everything off automatically so you're free to move the new copy around. It's still the same subtool though, so if you want to edit the original geo, just switch back to draw mode and unmask it.
As for this boolean trick, it's another similar feature. The only difference is you hold Alt+Ctrl when clicking on the middle circle, which causes the new geo to be tagged as a negative volume.
For further clarification, this is covered in page 36 ('Duplicating a Mesh with Transpose') and 37 ('Duplication and Negative Mesh') of the manual that came with R2.
EDIT: Aggghhh, forgot to turn on Groups in Dynamesh. Working now.