I've made a specular map for a beaten up character. The white color represents the blood, and the rest goes from black to mid grey.
Now, I need to change this map inside the material editor to have it control the "SpeculaPower". I need the black to be at a value of 2 and the white to be at around 30.
I tried passing it through a "ConstantClamp" but it feels like it cannot output anything above 1.
I've also tried with "Clamp" "Lerp"... nothing works.
Any idea?
Thank you!
I've found this helpful with familiarizing yourself with the what each node does: http://udn.epicgames.com/Three/MaterialsCompendium.html
I have to ask why you want it set so low? I mean if use a lerp the values aren't clamped, if you picked a value as low as 2 it's just going to be completely white (or what ever color your spec is) if any light is hitting it which is going to look pretty strange.
I had already tried the Lerp node the same way you described but it did not work... oh well, now it does.
That's not the meaning at all. Constant Clamp just defaults to 0-1. You can change up the min/max to whatever values you please.