Hi guys, I sent my resume and portfolio to few game studios and one replied me that my " dossier " drawed theyr attention for the position of " lead environment artist 3D " ( damn I probably didn't noticed it was " lead environment artist " and not just environment artist ) and they are asking me for for a meeting :poly122:
The thing is, i'm a novice who never worked in the game industry before except with my school mates ( were i actualy was the game designer but i don't think it counts as experience ) and clearly stated in my cover letter that i just finished school.
Do you think they saw it? do you think i should turn down the offer saying that i wasn't carefully reading the offer and though it was for an environment artist position? Or should i try going to the meeting anyway?
I'm not afraid of challenges, i wouldn't mind starting my career as a successfull " lead environment artist " but i'm afraid to fail and then beeing blacklisted by the other companies because of my failure.
I need your opinion on the matter, i'm scarred shitless. :poly127:
Thing is, let them decide if you`re good enough for the position. Why turn down a great opportunity just because you think you`re not good enough? Believe in yourself.
@slipsius scary situation , i shall give them a meeting then and tell them what they can expect from me.
Either way, nothing you do would get you "blacklisted".
Call Of Juarez : The Cartel
Call Of Juarez: Bound In Blood
Now, as far as I know it could be someone using his name who know, I think i'll definitly do as Slipsius said, just go for the meeting and see by myself.
Good luck!
If they are putting you in a lead position right away. There doesn't seem any room to move up or increase your pay as easily?
In the worst case it could be a starting point for a proper lead position afterwards at a different company. Sometimes it doesn't matter so much what you do but what other people think you did. Could be a nice door opener as long as you make sure you're also working on the necessary skills.
Good luck with whatever you end up doing man.
Make sure you fully understand what they expect from a lead. It may just be a fancy title for an artist of a certain skill level and not management.
But whatever, go to the meeting! Have fun!
Who then point the finger at the grunts.
Once they make you an offer, then you can make the decision to go with them or stay the fuck away. Until then, there is no point in removing yourself from a potential job earlier in the process.
Wish me luck.
Worst case scenario is they bring you in, you get it, and they feel you're better suited as an artist and they use you as that instead.
good luck with it
By the time the OP has a job offer he'll know enough to decide whether he's a "lead" because the team is really small and inexperienced, or because the hiring manager's brain is really small and inexperienced, or whether it is some sort of trap.
I think I a lot of folks are jumping the gun on assuming he's going to be leading a team of folks and I really can't see that being the case given his experience. I think the scale is going to be a lot smaller.
Just keep your head on straight, put out the fires that start logically and maturely and make sure you know the answers to everything, and if you don't know the answers, make sure you are humble enough to defer to your co workers for answers.
If you want to advance your art, try to be just a regular artist. As a lead you spend a ton of time just doing administrative work as people have said.
- Delegates the works to the others environment artist and make sure to be fair about the work delegation, I can't keep the cool stuff for me only, it would be good to actually take most of the boring work for my self from time to time, so that my team can work positivly and pro actively.
- Be sure to respect the polycount established by the programers to ensure that the game load fast and run "fluidly".
- Same goes for the texture resolution per object size, I must make sure my team doesn't use a 1024x1024 resolution texture for a coca cola can lying on the ground.
- I must make sure that me and my team respect the ambience and art style imposed by the lead designer and his team.
- I have to respect the constraint of the level designer, so the player can evolve in the environment as the level designer planed it. If he needs a box there so the player can jump higher to grabe an item, I must make sure there is a box at this exact location ( just an exemple )
- I should always be trying to improve the workfow of my team by adding new processes in the pipeline that would enhance the efficiency of the team and thus permit them to work faster whilst keeping the quality of their work.
Maybe i'm missing a few important things, and if i do, please do correct me, The meeting is tomorrow at 11 o'clock via skype.
must get rid of the stress.