Hi guys I've been learning Zbrush for a few days and have been making a character but I've hit a couple of hitches.
For some reason I made the head a different tool/mesh to the torso and they have to join so now I have a vast discrepancy between geometry and detail level. Dynamesh won;t fix it because the head is way higher detail than it can go.
Is there a way to merge these meshes? I've heard something about re-topologising it all?
Thanks for any help!
To manually retopologize it, you could append a zsphere as a subtool. Select it, then go to Tools: Topology: Edit Topology. You can start drawing in your topology, and using the a key to preview the resulting skin (density settings can be changed under Tool:Adaptive Skin). When you have a mesh you're happy with, create the Make Adaptive Skin button.
If you have access to an external 3d application, you can also retopologize there (which can often be faster depending on the toolset)