I'm trying to ramp myself up on Modo 301 (all I have access to at the moment), and the one thing that constantly hits me in the face is that my hotkeys will change at some point during a session and the only way to fix it is to shut down Modo and restart it.
Like, my "W" key changes from transform to (I think) edge extrude and CTRL+Z is no longer undo but it wants to shut down the app instead. What's funny is that the menus still show the proper hot keys, they just don't respond the same way anymore.
I google'd my butt off and found one guy complaining about the same issue but his thread has 1 response that wasn't helpful at all.
So here I am on a wild chance that anyone has seen this sort of thing before ... anyone?
It's really annoying!
Some of the hotkeys are context sensitive (i.e. you can set them up to do different things depending on whether you're in 3D or UV viewport, etc...). Might be worth checking that, but I don't think the alternative commands should be that crazy.
Did you hit shift-alt -E (or some other letter) by accident ? This toggle between different installed windows OS languages.
Check the bottom right corner of your screen - if you see a little blue square with letters in it, that's your problem.
Is it a matter of hitting the Caps Lock key? I don't remember if Modo's hotkeys are case sensitive, but Caps Lock is really close to the Tab key which is a super common Modo key to press. i have some vague memories of having this problem in one of the 3D apps it might have been Modo...
Oh, interesting ... it just flipped the undo key on me, I did a few more things and then undo started working again. Maybe it's state based or something.
At any rate, I'll stop spamming this thread. It must be something on my end if nobody has ever seen this before. Aggravating though.
I'm using a PS/2 -> USB adapter on my keyboard and maybe once every few days it flips out and starts spamming weird keys or key combinations until I hammer left control and/or left shift a few times. This only happens when using the adapter.
SHIFT+ALT was switching keyboard layouts for me since I had a French layout installed as well. I've turned all that off now so it should be happy.
Now I can Modo all day happily. Thanks for planting that in my head, Inception style.