Hey, what's up Polycount. I'm a very new 3d modeller and decided one of my first projects would be to change some, or maybe all of the tf2 classes to look like some of my friends and I from a college for game design I'm studying on.
So heres my first model. It's supposed to be a heavy, but the physique of the person is more Scout like, so I chose to model it from him instead. (just quick note all of these characters will mostly be created from the excact same verticies as the models they came from.) I'm quite happy with how he turned out, I used about...12 hours on modelling him and this is where I have a problem. I have no idea how to UV Map and how to texture this fellah. I really hope someone here from polycount can help me with a smart way to do this or give me some tutorials or something. The program I'm using is Blender 2.62 if it's any help.
Any feedback is welcome

P.S. I know I still need to work with adding things like the bullet belt and stuff like that.
Do you mean too many details on some places or what?
It would be awesome if you could be more specific on where, since I actually only used the verticies and what not of the normal scout model. :P
I hope this looks better? I also made the face more pointy like the normal tf2 classes, and added hair on the top of the head