Sculpting a crocodile in Sculptris. Plan to take it into Mudbox to paint. Any tips on going from Sculptris to Mudbox?
My current plan is to:
1. Sculpt in Sculptris.
2. Use GoZ to go from Sculptris to ZBrush.
3.Layout UVs in ZBrush.
4. Follow
the Mudbox manual for going from Z-brush to Mudbox.
- Export a low res base mesh
- Export a high res subdivided mesh.
- Import the base mesh to Mudbox and subdivide as many levels as the high res mesh.
- Import the high res mesh as a layer to transfer detail to the high res mesh.
- Clean artifacts.
5. Paint in Mudbox.
1. When exporting from Sculptris to ZBrush with GoZ, can you down res the mesh in ZBrush to create a base mesh for Mudbox?
2. Or, is there a better way of going from Sculptris to Mudbox for texturing?
Side note: Exporting an OBJ from Sculptris into Mudbox caused Mudbox to slow down a lot and eventually crash since the OBJ has "High-valence vertices" and wasn't created with "Catmull-Clark subdivision" according to Mudbox. Not to mention, the UVs Sculptris created were pretty bad and the borders between shells caused artifacts to show up in Mudbox.
Here's the first screenshot of the WIP:

1. Why don't you do it all in ZBrush?
- I've used ZBrush's Dynamesh, but i don't like having to constantly rebuild the mesh. I prefer the fluid workflow of Sculptris' dynamic tessellation.
2. Why don't you do it all in Mudbox?
- Because Mudbox sculpting is dependent on the base mesh. If you sculpt "against the grain" of the base mesh you get artifacts. I found Mudbox sculpting to ultimately be too limiting. However, the Paint tools are excellent. Would love if they offered a secondary dynamic tessellation mode.
3. That workflow makes no sense!
- Maybe, maybe not. If it's not possible, then sure, it doesn't. That's sort of the point of asking the question. Do you have a reasoned argument why it won't work?
1. Sculpt in Sculptris
2. GoZ to ZBrush
3. SubTool > ReMesh All with 1024 res
4. ProjectAll
5. Subdivide
6. ProjectAll again.
7. Export OBJ to Mudbox.
8. Mudbox > Import
9. Mesh > Reconstruct Subdivision Levels.
Now I need to do a UV layout somewhere, probably between 4 and 5...?
Just turn on dynamesh, and ctrl drag in the viewport each time you want to remesh. takes .5 of a second.
I suggest you take everyones advice and stick to one application, a few seconds ctrl dragging is literally nothing compared to bogging down your pipeline with 2 completely unnecessary programs.