Saw all this stuff the day of release. Looks very good, congrats on all the media coverage, I'll probably give it a buy -- but why the hell are you guys charging for a game jam game?
I get that you dudes have to eat and its definitely great work, but kindof against the whole culture of game jams.
Saw all this stuff the day of release. Looks very good, congrats on all the media coverage, I'll probably give it a buy -- but why the hell are you guys charging for a game jam game?
I get that you dudes have to eat and its definitely great work, but kindof against the whole culture of game jams.
The existing culture of game jams is not healthy for indie developers since they need to make money if they want to continue making high quality games.
Clearly we are trying to change the culture that expects that even if you bust your ass and work insane hours to make something awesome you shouldn't charge for it.
Also, we did give the game away for free to everyone who preordered Ovegrowth.
Saw all this stuff the day of release. Looks very good, congrats on all the media coverage, I'll probably give it a buy -- but why the hell are you guys charging for a game jam game?
I get that you dudes have to eat and its definitely great work, but kindof against the whole culture of game jams.
That's not true, there's nothing in jams that prevents it, nor is it seen as cheap in any way, if it's good enough people will pay for it.
You'll coincidentally find a ton of jam or compo games on kongregate.
really awesome job guys, I love the new ideas going into it. The idea of managing your weapon instead of having it constantly auto pilot is really intriguing, can't wait to try it.
also dug the whole 'tap fast to spring fast'. sounds like something that would be at home in Amnesia as well.
took awhile to get the mechanics of the gun/interface in my head but its pretty fun for such a short dev time. congratz. also protip check the chamber after you load the gun. nothing like dying coz chambers empty or weapons jammed. i expect ill be playing this for a while.
Looks cool, but wishing it had a arm and hand holding the gun, the floating weapon makes it feel really alpha to me.
We decided to focus on complex, realistic gunplay instead of arms. I personally think that is more important in a shooter, but it's obviously a matter of taste.
The existing culture of game jams is not healthy for indie developers since they need to make money if they want to continue making high quality games.
Clearly we are trying to change the culture that expects that even if you bust your ass and work insane hours to make something awesome you shouldn't charge for it.
Cool, thanks for sharing your reasoning! Imo (as a guy whos never finished a game) I still think its against the spirit of these jams -- monetizing on a portal is different from charging your players, and the culture of 7drl and ld has generally been about propagation of ideas and demos, not making a profit of your time -- but I definitely respect your choice! Will probably be buying your game sometime when i have spare cash laying around.
I'm glad you didn't include arms. One of my favorite parts about the aiming system is that you can move the gun in the view space without moving the entire view, which is more realistic. I don't think I'd want to see arms blocking the view the whole time. In a typical game this wouldn't be a problem because the arms are locked to the bottom half of the screen.
Yeah, but maybe having the gun and clip closer to the screen would have made the omission less obvious. Or have transparent arms or something. Still, interesting concept!
Really impressive work. Interesting game mechanics for dealing with the gun and running. I really appreciate the art asset overview and love the art direction. It's a shame you couldn't use the mid-ground city model as it's really quite beautiful.
Hey I saw this on the OG blog, I've gone off fps over the last couple years but you guys have added an interesting take to the genre enough to want me to play it
Great job in such a short time, I'd definitely like to see more short concept games about. I think if every studio large and small took the miniscule time to join one of these jams if only once a year, we could see some great leaps forward in games.
I really digged the "Armed & Dangerous" - razor hydra motion controls. Time crisis should have been all over that shizzle along time ago.
Saw it at lunch, downloaded as soon as i got home, well worth the cash.
Its got a really nice fresh/raw feel to it, like playing a pc game from the 90s.
Its one of those that has a lot of promise, a story, some UI and key options and a load of game content and its a big hit. Which is more than can be said for many many games that actually make it out there as AAAs.
i love the aesthetic...wish more games would use the power of new computers to throw simple shaded and lit polys around... think i would have thrown a bevel/chamfer on everything environment side, was there a reason no to?
i love the aesthetic...wish more games would use the power of new computers to throw simple shaded and lit polys around... think i would have thrown a bevel/chamfer on everything environment side, was there a reason no to?
No, I was planning to do that (I agree that it would add a lot), but basically ran out of time. I had a few false starts with the environment assets while I tried to figure out how to make it modular.
I would like to go back and redo a lot of the environment stuff.
I get that you dudes have to eat and its definitely great work, but kindof against the whole culture of game jams.
The existing culture of game jams is not healthy for indie developers since they need to make money if they want to continue making high quality games.
Clearly we are trying to change the culture that expects that even if you bust your ass and work insane hours to make something awesome you shouldn't charge for it.
Also, we did give the game away for free to everyone who preordered Ovegrowth.
That's not true, there's nothing in jams that prevents it, nor is it seen as cheap in any way, if it's good enough people will pay for it.
You'll coincidentally find a ton of jam or compo games on kongregate.
And if his highness the king of sweden approves, so do I:
also dug the whole 'tap fast to spring fast'. sounds like something that would be at home in Amnesia as well.
We decided to focus on complex, realistic gunplay instead of arms. I personally think that is more important in a shooter, but it's obviously a matter of taste.
Cool, thanks for sharing your reasoning! Imo (as a guy whos never finished a game) I still think its against the spirit of these jams -- monetizing on a portal is different from charging your players, and the culture of 7drl and ld has generally been about propagation of ideas and demos, not making a profit of your time -- but I definitely respect your choice! Will probably be buying your game sometime when i have spare cash laying around.
Great job in such a short time, I'd definitely like to see more short concept games about. I think if every studio large and small took the miniscule time to join one of these jams if only once a year, we could see some great leaps forward in games.
I really digged the "Armed & Dangerous" - razor hydra motion controls. Time crisis should have been all over that shizzle along time ago.
Saw it at lunch, downloaded as soon as i got home, well worth the cash.
Its got a really nice fresh/raw feel to it, like playing a pc game from the 90s.
Its one of those that has a lot of promise, a story, some UI and key options and a load of game content and its a big hit. Which is more than can be said for many many games that actually make it out there as AAAs.
Great work as far as im concerned.
i love the aesthetic...wish more games would use the power of new computers to throw simple shaded and lit polys around... think i would have thrown a bevel/chamfer on everything environment side, was there a reason no to?
No, I was planning to do that (I agree that it would add a lot), but basically ran out of time. I had a few false starts with the environment assets while I tried to figure out how to make it modular.
I would like to go back and redo a lot of the environment stuff.
super interesting, impressively well done for 7 days of work.
Looking forward to more stuff that is not bunnies. was super intersting to see you tackle the fps genre. keep up the good work
That is up to David, but it would be great to see the other enemies in the game.