Hello! I have been playing the game "Awesomenauts" for XBLA and PSN for the past month, and decided to start a personal project creating the characters (and possibly other things from the game) into 3d. If you don't know what the game is, I'd highly recommend checking it out! I will be updating this thread as often as I work on them.
Anywho, I though that modeling Clunk would be the most basic to start with. Trying to figure out what they all look like in 3d is somewhat hard, so I started doing front and side silhouettes to help me model.
I am very open to critique, and would love it if people were to help me figure out how the hell to translate these dudes into 3d. Thanks in advance!
Clunk in-game:


Current Progress:


Changed how the neck looked..I didn't like it before.
Also, I didn't show his massive teeth in his body for his Bite ability. (should be fun to animate....)
And here is a back shot. I have no idea what to do for the jetpack as I can find no shots of his back lol.
And here is Voltar so far.
Him in-game:
Here is the turnaround:
UV unwrap:
Beginning of the model:
Leon in-game:
No Wire:
Might be something worth playing with for this. Even if you don't go with that, baking a self-ao map for these would be nice.
@darbeenbo- Thanks! That thread is awesome, and I'll try to use that technique!
@gimaldinov- Thanks a bunch!
Worked on Yuri's texture yesterday. I'm gonna have to speed the hell up if I want to ever get them all done because they keep releasing new characters!