I am working on making a very large forest for an environment, and I can't seem to find a way to make fog volumes have a falloff. Inside the fog, I really like the effect, but outside the fog, there are very clear borders. I can't do an exponential height fog, because I only want the thick green fog inside the forest itself. Any ideas on how I can get a fog volume to fade slowly? Thanks.
Your best bet is a custom UV'ed fog volume staticmesh, that has a gradient texture applied so it fades out in open air, or perhaps "easier" would be to use Exp Heightfog and then change the density of that client sided via a Trigger - Matinee. You can animate fog values via Matinee, so you could have when in trigger -> smoothly transition to denser fog values, when step out -> reverse animation.
Coupled to that would be a fogplane, large single camera facing sprite particle, or some kind of box mesh that only fades in when at a distance, to ensure that when viewed from a distance you'd still see fog in that area. That material would basically just be a Pixeldepth to control fade over distance + DepthbiasedAlpha to ensure fade on intersect + fog color + a nice gradient texture to ensure smooth fade out on its edges.
Something in that direction is what I would try.