This is the 1st model I have ever done in 3ds Max and learned alot during the 3 week process. Devouring every tutotrial I could find on the net.
This is the high poly version without turbosmooth applied but all parts are ready for it with support edges inplace. Once I get to that point.
Real world scaled correctly to 13m in length.
Open to critisisms to improve myself.
To do list:
1. Fix smoothing groups from default settings by hand using 70 degree angles as a baseline cutoff to seperate groups.Preserve hard edges.
2. Finish low poly model, currently 19k verts, was aiming to put it into Iron Front: Liberation 1944 game based on Arma 2 engine at some point
3. Baking out the normal and ao maps from the high poly.
Things I wished I had done differently:
1. Using quad chamfer script abit less and used swift loop connect more often
2. Wished i had setup smoothing groups as I was modeling instead of waiting till the end...argg
3. I used alot of 60 sided cylinders/tubes when I couldve done with 30ish
4. Splines and sub-d in max is bad for me, hard to work with. Need to learn more about it.
Clay Renders:


Here is an excellant Tiger track reference image I'd like to share for others.