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BorisK Portfolio critic :0(

Hey guys just finished my degree and I was wondering if I could please get some crits on my portfolio and ask whether you think my chances of employability are ok ha. Im generally a hard surface modeller and i'm trying to get into environment art

please be harsh haha :0)



  • ZerothEnder
    You have some decent work! Also, the layout is pretty easy to navigate, but I'd like to see 2-3 more of your best pieces on the front page. HR recruiters usually don't have much time to get through all the resumes and folios that are sent to them, so it's better when they see your art faster. Loading times can also slow them down, and they might get frustrated.

    I'd recommend removing your WIP pieces altogether, and instead put them in a blog or something on the side. Remember, your portfolio is a preview of your BEST work, not ALL of it. Having sub-par art mixed in with really good art can make an employer think twice about interviewing you.

    Presentation of your art is also another huge thing when it comes to portfolios. Having neat and clean renders of your work, while hiding any small mistakes will go a long way towards making your art look better.

    This is all mostly my opinion and what I've learned from other people. A REALLY good resource for portfolio making is: http://www.jonjones.com/2005/10/07/your-portfolio-repels-jobs/

    I hope you find this useful! And good luck finding a job!
  • Roelant
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    Roelant polycounter lvl 13
    At this moment there are alot of WIP's in your portfolio. Make sure you finish work before moving to another project or prop.
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    BARDLER polycounter lvl 12
    1) Ditch flash, its to slow and you cant save pictures.
    2) When you click portfolio it sends you to a page with a single link on it that says gallery which is kind of pointless.
    3) You call your self a level designer but I see no level design work on there.
    4) Do not put work you made based off of tutorials.
    5) Put your name and website on every picture.
    6) You have pictures of assets that have meshes in them from UDK, that is a really really bad idea.
  • mystichobo
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    mystichobo polycounter lvl 12
    BARDLER wrote: »
    1) Ditch flash, its to slow and you cant save pictures.
    2) When you click portfolio it sends you to a page with a single link on it that says gallery which is kind of pointless.
    3) You call your self a level designer but I see no level design work on there.
    4) Do not put work you made based off of tutorials.
    5) Put your name and website on every picture.
    6) You have pictures of assets that have meshes in them from UDK, that is a really really bad idea.

    I'm with you on everything here.

    Especially the flash stuff, dear god it takes ages to load!
  • Blaisoid
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    Blaisoid polycounter lvl 7
    i'll just add that those thumbnails are super small, i'd make them bigger.
  • BorisK
    thanks for the crits guys i think im gna take it back to Weebly and put all my work on the home page for quick access and less time wasted.

    def gna finish the WIPs or take them down. i def need to stop that
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